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The next morning, Jisung woke up to the sound of Minho's phone ringing. He knew that if Minho answered it he wouldn't be able to sleep again, so he picked up the phone and answered it himself, without even looking at the number.


"H- Wait a minute, you're not Minnie, MY jagiya." Jisung rolled his eyes, knowing who it was.

"Areum, how many times do I have to tell you to stay away from Minho? It's almost like you want to get hurt." He said seriously.

"And why do you care so much? Hm? It's not like you're his boyfriend, or are you?" Jisung froze, before hearing her voice again. "That's what I thought. You aren't with him, because he loves me. He isn't able to love you anyway, you aren't near as pretty as me, seeing as how I'm prettiest in the world, and also kindest, and overall best. Plus you're a boy."

Jisung was getting so mad, but breathed and calmed himself down before speaking again. "Areum, you had better leave Minho alone. He is not your jagiya, and he never will be. I thought I already made that clear."

"Maybe you did, but we both know you're too weak and afraid of losing your job, so you won't do anything to me." He smirked at that.

"You know, no one has to know it's me. Heck it doesn't even have to be me who does anything, but I can be the cause. I can hurt you more than you even knew someone could be hurt, and you better believe that, I don't think you want to make me prove it. If I hear from Minho, or anyone, that you've tried to talk to him...run."

He could almost hear her gulp in fear, and smiled slyly. "I-I, you wouldn't."

"Try me." The next thing he heard was the beep of the phone, indicating the call was ended. He turned to Minho, who was sleeping peacefully, then checked the time, widening his eyes in surprise when he realized it was five. He groaned and layed back down, then started caressing Minho's hair softly, not expecting to be able to sleep, but he was tired enough that eventually, he did.

Minho woke up a couple hours later, and the first thing he saw was Jisungs cute cheeks. He grabbed them and squished them softly, before kissing them and getting out of bed(I'm sorry I had to say that this reminded me of when Changbin called Minho out for knowing Jisung's sleeping positions).

He stood up but Jisung started whining cutely and pouting, causing him to smile admiringly and get back into the bed. Minho laid on his side and began brushing through his hair softly, while speaking quietly as to calm him down.

Then, about five minutes later, he tried again, but Jisung started whining again, so he got into bed once more and got really close to his face, holding his hand. "Baby, you gotta let me go. I need to take a shower."

Jisung, without opening his eyes, spoke, "Then I'll come too." He only mumbled it, and didn't know what he was saying, but it left Lee Know speechless. He tried to gain his composure, and spoke again.

"Jisung, I'm going now, please don't whine at me, I'll be back soon."

Before he could stand, Jisung wrapped his arms around his neck. "I'll come toooooo." He whined yet again. Minho was still stunned from when he said it before, and so this time he just froze entirely. By the time he came back to his senses, Han was already back asleep. He slowly got out of the bed, and luckily that time, Han didn't whine.

Minho went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, staying in there for a good twenty minutes, trying not to think of what Han said. He was still sleeping when Minho came out, as he smiled at the cute younger, like he did practically every time he saw his adorable features.

He went to the dresser and got his clothes before heading to the bathroom to change. After he finished, he walked out and towards the bed, leaning on it and got close to Han's face again. "Jisungie, wake up, you need to shower now."

"I would have already showered if you let me come with you." He mumbled, causing Minho to freeze again.

"W-what? Are you awake or are you sleeping right now?" He sighed in relief when he got no answer, indicating that he was indeed asleep, only partially awake when he said that. So he shook him and called his name softly. "Hannie, Hannie, Hanniiiiiiieeeee. Get uuuuuup."

Jisung opened his eyes slightly. "I am up." He said sleepily.

"I mean fully. You've been sleep talking you know." Jisung put a confused look on.

"About what?" Minho smiled a bit nervously.

"Nothing Sungie, now go shower." He pulled him up and handed him a towel, which he took and slowly stood up from the bed

Ok so this entire story is prewritten from like last year, and I completely forgot like everything in the upcoming parts. There will still be a lot of stuff I skip since I just can't really do that rn but like um yeah, if it gets confusing, just know I'm confused too lol and try to just enjoy the fluff. Oh yeah, also maybe smut, I don't remember.

Anygays bye everyoneeeeeee<3

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