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They made it to the dorm just before the others, and had barely enough time to get Minho in bed, looking sick-ish. Felix walked into the room and found Minho in bed with a cold rag on his forehead, and Jisung next to him stroking his hair.

Jisung turned around, then stood up and walked towards Felix. "Oh, Yongbok, I was wondering if you and I could switch rooms until Minho gets better."

"What?" Felix and Lee Know said at the same time. Han just thought of that immediately and decided to go with it because he knew Felix wouldn't let them switch rooms otherwise. He looked skeptical at first, but then Minho coughed (fake) and Jisung ran over to him worriedly.

He saw how much Jisung was caring for Minho and he couldn't deny them some time together. Plus, deep down, he really did want to stay with Hyunjin.
Han came back over to him. "If you don't want to, don't worry about it. I'll just have to go check on him a lot. Or we might stay in the living room." He said, the sadness visible in his voice, just to convince him.

"No, Hannie, it's ok. You guys can stay in here. I'll go over to Hyunjins room."

"Really? Thank you so much Yongbokaahhh!" Felix just went to pack his bag. When he was done he walked to Hyunjins room.

The boy opened the door, and Hyunjin looked up from his phone. "Oh, hey agi." He smiled as Felix put his bag down on the floor and laid next to Hyunjin on the bed. "What's up?"

"I'm staying in here with you until Minho hyung isn't sick anymore."

"Really? That's amazing!" Felix just smiled at how excited he was, and they snuggled each other for a while, just on their phones.

After about thirty minutes, Felix spoke up. "I don't think we should spend this long on our phones, it's not good for us."

"Are you worried about me?" Felix blushed a little.

"So what if I am?" Hyunjin smiled.

"What did you want to do instead?" He asked, deepening his voice a little, making Felix blush even more.

"H-how about some art? Didn't you say you were going to teach me how to draw faces?"

"Oh! Yes I did! Do you really want to?"

"Of course. But only if it's you who teaches me." This time, Hyunjin blushed lightly. "Let's gooooo." He pulled Hyunjin up, and they stood, but Hyunjin back hugged him before he could leave. "What?"

"I just want to hug you more."

"Come oonnn, let's go draw!" He acted annoyed, but he was internally smiling.

After a good two hours of sketching and talking, they both decided to go out for lunch. They went to Felix's favorite restaurant, an Australian cuisine restaurant, because it reminded him of home. He was so happy when Hyunjin said he was taking him there, that he kissed him right where anyone could see. Luckily, no one did.

Hyunjin didn't want Felix to stop kissing him, but he knew that he already did something risky, and he wasn't going to do anything else.

They also enjoyed their time together at the restaurant. Felix introduced him to some good foods from Australia, and they talked a lot. When you're with someone you like, you don't have to talk about meaningful things particularly, because you enjoy your time with them, no matter what you're saying to each other, and even when you aren't saying anything to each other, honestly.

When they finished up, Hyunjin decided to show Felix a place he always liked.

They went to the edge of the city, and what they saw took their breath away. The city practically cut off and beyond it were endless fields. There were also trees everywhere, that were all blossoming beautifully. Felix had never seen trees like that in real life.

"Beautiful, huh?"

"Yes. I love it."

"It isn't the same as it is back home, but it still is pretty amazing." There was almost a sadness in Hyunjins voice as he spoke."

"Do you miss your home?" He thought about it.

"Yea, I guess I do. It's not that far, but I can never find time to go. There were a lot of things there that I want to see again, or experience again."

"I completely understand." Felix said, side hugging Hyunjin.

Then, Hyunjin caught a flower flying in the wind. He turned towards Felix and put it in his hair as he said, "But the next time I go back there, I would like you to come with me." Felix looked down shyly. Hyunjin grabbed his chin and made him look up at him. "Don't hide your beautiful face from me." he smiled and nodded a bit.

They both leaned closer to each other, and started kissing. The flowers danced around them in the breeze, and right at that moment, it felt like it was just them two in the world.

They pulled away and stared into each other's eyes for a while, then Felix took Hyunjins hand, and walked towards the trees. The two strolled through the fields for a while, neither of them saying anything to each other, as they both felt that words were unnecessary, and that just each other was enough.

By the time they started walking back, it was already dinner time, but instead of going somewhere to eat, Hyunjin suggested going back to the dorm and making dinner for everyone. Felix thought it sounded good, so they stopped at the store first.

Hyunjin texted everyone in the group chat that they were making dinner and it should be done by six.
It was really hard for them, but they ended up making a pretty good tasting Bosintang and Sticky Chicken. They called everyone in for dinner, and everyone marveled at the dish. "Did you guys really make this? Or did you buy it and make it look like you did?" Seungmin asked skeptically.

"We made it. It was super hard, and it might not taste that good, but we tried."

"Well, I bet it's good hyungs! Let's try it." I.N said optimistically as the couple just smiled weakly at him.

Everyone sat in and started dishing. "Wow! This is really good!" Jisung said. Felix looked at him for any signs of lying in his eyes, but they were genuine.


"Yea, this is good, sorry I doubted you Lixie." Seungmin said.

"Th-thanks." He replied quietly, and Hyunjin put his hand on Felix's thigh, making him looked up at the older, who had a reassuring look in his eyes rust calmed Felix down so much, it actually surprised him.

Halfway through the dinner, while everyone was still talking and eating with each other, Hyunjin excused himself, and Felix followed after. Hyunjin walked into his room, and so did Felix, only to find Hyunjin sitting on the floor at the edge of the bed, looking at the ceiling. Felix came and sat beside him, a worried look in his face.

"What happened?" Hyunjin looked into Felix's stunning eyes, and smiled. "What?"

"You know, in there, when you were laughing at Chan hyungs stupid joke, you looked absolutely angelic. You're so pretty when you smile, I can't get enough of it." Felix blushed "Yongbok, I think, well, I don't know."

"What? What is it?"

"I think I'm falling in love with you."

"W-what?" He looked at Hyunjin in surprise.

"I just can't help it. Everything about you is just, amazing. I never want to leave your side."

"Then it's a good thing you never have to." Felix smiled softly.

The next part, or in one of the upcoming parts, most likely the one after the next one, will contain smut, but I'll be honest, I've never written it before and know nothing about it, especially MLM, so it might be horrible.

UPDATE~so ummmm i lost the google doc with my story on it, and it might be a while until i get it back, maybe a couple days, up to a week, but i'll try my best to get it back quickly so i can post another part!

.....the way no one cares lol

also, please check out my new story i'm posting!

Bye everyoneeee <3

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