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With Chanmin (after dinner)

Minho and Jisung offered to help Bangchan and Seungmin clean up the kitchen, but they politely declined. So Minsung went to their room and Chanmin started cleaning. Seungmin was clearing the counter, while Chan was washing dishes. After he finished, Seungmin went to help rinse the dishes.
As they finished up, the younger started talking about something his parents invited him to.

"It's like a modernized ball. Like dinner and a dance, you know?"


"My parents' exact words were 'bring someone you can slow dance with.' They want me to bring a girl there. I can't even slow dance anyway!" Chan looked at him, confused.

"You can't slow dance? But you're such an amazing dancer!"

"First of all, I'm not that good at dancing, second of all, I've never slow danced before. It's not like we slow dance on stage." Bangchan smiled and got out his phone.

"I'll teach you."

"H-huh?" Chan put down his phone, which was playing music, grabbed the youngers hand, and twirled him around before grabbing his waist.

"You put this hand here." He said, putting Seungmins hand on his shoulder, holding the other one. "Then you just sway to the beat." They started swaying slowly. Every once in a while Chan twirled Seungmin around. At some point, Bangchan pulled him closer by his waist so their bodies were touching.

He looked into Seungmins beautiful eyes before letting him lay down comfortably on his chest. They moved slowly around the kitchen like that, listening to slow dancing music.

Seungmin thought about his parents. He knew he couldn't bring Bangchan to the dance, they would kill him. And he couldn't go by himself, his parents would get suspicious. But he didn't want to think about that right then. He just wanted to be held by Bangchan, and dance with him forever.

Chan also thought about Seungmin. He didn't want him to go, especially without him. Plus, he'd have to bring a girl with him. Chan didn't want to think about that either, it was too sad, he just wanted to hold Seungmin forever.

After a while, Chan picked Seungmin up and brought him to the living room, sitting on the couch as he just kept his head on Chan's chest.

Chan was stroking his hair with one hand and holding his back up with the other, and Seungmin soon fell asleep in his arms. Bangchan knew he was tired, so it was ok for him to go to sleep now, and he would sleep all through the night.

The next morning, Seungmin woke up early, even earlier than Chan. When he opened his eyes, he noticed he wasn't on the couch anymore, but in bed. Then he heard a heartbeat. 'Is that mine?' he thought, but quickly noticed his arms were wrapped around someone's waist, so looked up, and smiled seeing Chan asleep.

Chan always woke up earlier than anyone else in the dorm, so it was rare that anyone saw his sleeping face.

Seungmin smiled and sat up, then started caressing the olders cheek softly, while checking the time. '6 a.m.?! I thought it was night time!' The boy started looking around, noticing he was still in his turtleneck, but only had his boxers on. His shoes and hat were off as well.

He just smiled, happy Chan helped him without taking too much off, such a good boyfriend. 'What am I supposed to do until he wakes up?' he thought to himself. Of course, he didn't feel tired even slightly, and he figured he must have slept a good ten hours.

It honestly felt nice, since lately he hadn't been getting as much sleep as he should. For a while, he just sat there thinking of what to do, eventually deciding to get a coffee.

The boy got up from the bed, and went to the bathroom to take a quick, relaxing hot shower. When he got out, he started drying his hair with a towel, remembering a couple days ago, when Chan kissed him for the first time, and started unconsciously smiling.

Still thinking about that, the boy grabbed an outfit from the drawer, put some shoes on, and grabbed the keys. Then he quietly went over to Bangchan.

"Bye babe." Seungmin whispered, pecking his forehead. Chan stirred slightly in his sleep, but calmed down quickly. "Please actually sleep for a while, I'm worried about you. You need more sleep than you're giving yourself." He obviously knew Chan didn't hear him, but hoped maybe subconsciously he did, and he would actually sleep in.

The amount of times I used 'he' for sentence starters should be illegal💀 and I deleted more than half of them too!

Anygays sooooo how was it?

I'm so soft for chanmin I swear, so I hoped this chapter was good lolllll but yea bye everyoneeeeee<3

Behind the Scenes~skz bxbTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang