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"Hi, I have a few questions for you if you don't mind." Chan said calmly.

"Sure." He took a deep breath, then sighed.

"I was wondering, why are there clothes scattered all over the floor in your room? Yours and Felix's, from yesterday. Also, why did I hear a scream this morning, and I've just come to find out that it was Felix's scream. I thought I heard multiple last night too."

"Uh, it-it isn't. It's nothing-"

"Felix?" He cut Hyunjin off.


"Let go of Hyunjin." Felix looked at Hyunjin with pleading eyes, and the older held on tighter.

"I would rather he didn't, Chan hyung"

"So it's what I think it is?" They just nodded while avoiding eye contact. "Come sit down."

They followed Bangchan to the living room and sat on the couch as Chan stood up in front of them.

"Look, I understand, they're your own bodies, and you have the right to do whatever you want with them I guess, though I don't recommend it. But I feel like you guys could find a better place. Like, I get, most people probably didn't hear, I mean I've heard no complaints at least. Either way, it's disrespectful, especially in the bed you and Minho share, as well as in a dorm full of your members. If he ever found out about this, you probably wouldn't live another day."

"I'm really sorry Chan hyung. I know we should have gone somewhere else, though I don't think that we shouldn't have done it entirely. I get your concern." Felix said, holding back tears.

"Please forgive us." Hyunjin spoke up.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry. Just please don't do it again...here. And make sure not to tell Minho, because he would get so mad. I recommend...cleaning up, before you guys switch back rooms."

"Ok, thank you Chan hyung." Hyunjin said.

"No problem, now help Felix get into bed. Don't walk around if you don't want to, ok?"

"Alright, thanks again." Felix said as Hyunjin grabbed his arm gently and the two walked back to their room.

He then helped lay Felix on the bed. "Thank you Jinnie."

"No problem. I'm going to go grab some food real quick."

"Ok." He walked out of the room and went to the kitchen, dishing some dakjuk for himself and eating the whole bowl in a few minutes.

Then he went walking back to his room. The boy went in the door, but Felix wasn't on the bed. "Felix? Baby? Where are you?"

"I'm in here." He called from inside the bathroom.

"Are you ok in there?"

"Y-yeah? The painkillers seemed to have worked, but it still hurts." Hyunjin ran to the door.

"Do you need help?" Felix started freaking out.

"W-what? H-help? With th-this?"

"I get it's a bit weird, but I don't want you to fall down, or be in too much pain in there all alone."

"O-ok, I-I'll tell you if I need help."

Hyunjin started pacing around the room worriedly, until finally Felix came out, and he quickly went over to him. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine now, but I just wanna lay down if that's ok." Hyunjin nodded and picked him up.

"Th-that's not..uh-o-ok." The older laid him down on the bed.

"I'm so sorry Yongbokie. I can't believe I caused you this much pain." His eyes were teary, but Felix grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

"I've told you so many times already. Don't be sorry, please. It's not like I didn't want you to. Now stop apologizing for it. You need to understand it isn't your fault.

"Only if you're sure." He got a nod from the younger.
Hyunjin didn't let go of Felix for a while, and he started caressing his hair softly as he laid in his arms.

Quick chanmin thing lol

Chan and Seungmin had talked with Changbin, not wanting to leave things awkward and on bad terms because they used to be super close, and the couple realized that Changbin didn't even really notice what he was doing.

A lot of it was the lacking attention he felt from the members, since they'd honestly not been paying a lot to him and he was feeling upset. Some of it was also the stress of being one of the producers, and JYP was giving him crap, so he unknowingly just took that out by flirting with Chan, but he apologized deeply as well as promised not to to it again, and from then on, all was okay again.

He felt especially bad because Seungmin never seemed to care much for anyone or anything, a biiig tsundere personality, but he seemed to love Chan so much and Chantbin honestly loved to see it. Yes Seungmin loved all the members, but he only really showed it with Chan, at least off camera.

So like I had a whole a$$ plan for this story but I realized it would be kinda depressing if I did that and idk if I should anymore, plus it would lead to something much bigger, but then again, maybe that's not so bad. Idk pls tell me if anyone sees this, should I make this story longer and like a bunchhhh of chapters, or should I wrap it up pretty soon? (I made it long lol)

Honestly, I don't know that I like this story anymore. I used to love it, and love writing it, but now I feel like I have to edit it so much just for it to be acceptable. Maybe I'll start liking it again soon but idk, it's getting harder and harder everyday for me to like anything that comes from me

(I still agree with that statement but oh well)

Ummmm sooo bye everyoneeee <3

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