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Chanmin went into the kitchen and saw Hyunlix at the door, ready to go, Changbin on the other side of the kitchen, avoiding Chan, and I.N sitting on the couch. Minsung walked out of Jisung and Felix's room, and Jisung looked like he had been crying.

"Are you ok Jisung?" Chan asked worriedly.

"Yea, I'm fine."

"Are you su-" Bangchan suddenly stopped when Minho gave him a glare that meant, 'leave it be', gulping as he turned away.

"Ok, let's get in the car." Seungmin said.

"I'm driving." Chan spoke up.

"Me too!" Changbin called from the kitchen (they need to take two cars).

"We know. I call shotgun." Hyunjin said.

"I'm sorry, that seat is reserved in my car." Bangchan replied, taking Seungmins hand.

"You don't want to sit next to me?" Felix asked sadly. Hyunjin forgot that now that they were boyfriends, he should sit next to him, as long as they're not on camera.

"Oh, I do, I'm so sorry baby I didn't think about that." He grabbed Felix's waist and pulled him into a back hug, making the boy blush.

"Fineeee, I forgive you."

Bangchan noticed that Minho was quietly comforting Jisung, patting his head and speaking softly, though he didn't hear what he was saying, and he quickly became curious about it, but shook the thought off when Seungmin squeezed his hand.

"Come on babe, let's get in the car." Chan blushed at the sudden nickname, and let Seungmin pull him out the opened door, behind Hyunlix, and all the others followed.

*Seating arrangement: (Car 1) FRONT; Bangchan(driver), Seungmin(passenger), BACK; Minho, Jisung
(Car 2) FRONT; Changbin(driver), Jeongin(passenger), BACK; Hyunjin and Felix

Even during the car ride, Bangchan noticed Lee Know comforting Han non-stop, even when it seemed like he was okay again. He couldn't help but wonder what happened, and decided he would ask about it later. When they walked into the breakfast place, they all went quiet. JYP was waiting at a large round table, ushering them to all sit down.

(order.*counterclockwise* JYP, Bangchan, Seungmin, Felix, Hyunjin, Minho, Jisung, I.N, Changbin.)

They all sat there quietly for a moment before JYP spoke, "Where is the waiter? Shouldn't someone be taking our order?!" They all flinched when he raised his voice a bit.

Then a young girl ran to the table. "We're sorry sir. Would you like to order now?"

"That would be ideal, yes." She started taking people's orders. No one really had time to decide, so most of them got whatever looked good on the front page of the menu, and half of them had the same thing.

While they were waiting for their food, it was either an awkward silence, or JYP trying to make conversation, and the members not saying much back.

Suddenly, Jisung excused himself, so Chan did too. All the members looked at them pleadingly, because they wanted to escape too, but couldn't seeing as how two people leaving for the bathroom is already a lot. Han walked into the bathroom, and Chan followed right after. "Jisung?"


"Will you tell me what happened earlier? Why does Minho keep trying to comfort you? Are you sad?"

"I'm not sad, not anymore at least. He was comforting me even after I already forgave him." He giggled a bit, blushing at his boyfriends sweet behavior.

"What did he do?"

"Well, he-" Han told him the story.


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