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They finished eating pretty quickly, but kept talking, and at some point, Han said he wanted to lay down on the couch, but Minho asked if he wanted to go to the park instead.

"Really?" He said, excitement in his eyes.

"Of course. It's better to burn off the food calories rather than let them sit there."

"Ok, let's go. What're you waiting for?" Han said, pulling Lee Knows arm as they slipped on their shoes and walked out.

The two decided to walk there instead of driving, and the walk was peaceful, but also rushed because Jisung was excited to get to the park. When he saw it in view, he started running towards it, pulling Lee Know with him.

"Wait! Don't go too fast." But Han was already sprinting, dragging a tripping Minho behind. When they made it to the park, Han immediately started looking around for something fun to do, and Minho was panting so much, but stopped to smile at Han.

"C'mon, push me on the swings!" He said cutely.

"Are you a baby? Why do you need me to help?"

"Minnie, I'm your baby, why wouldn't I need your help." Minho blushed at the sudden remark.

"Ok, go choose one, I'll push you."

"Thank youuuuu." He said and kissed his cheek.

"Hannie, we're in public." Minho said, but Jisung was already running towards the swings.

Minho looked around before following Han, only to find him already sitting down, completely ready to be pushed. He was sitting in his anime girl pose as Minho went behind him and began pushing his back, causing him to go higher and higher. Han was laughing happily the entire time and Minho couldn't help but smile at his childish boyfriend.

When Han was off the swing, he looked at the big playground, and started running to it, Minho close behind. "You're just like a little kid Hannie. What is it about this park that you like so much?"

"I love all parks."

"I know, but why? Don't you think it's a bit childish?" Jisung just looked at him, his happy smile turning into a smirk. He walked slowly to Minho, and when he got close enough, he leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"If you don't want me to be childish, how do you want me to act? Mature?" He said in a seductive tone, making Minho turn entirely red.

"I-I didn't say I didn't want you to be childish. It's cute." He smiled to himself thinking about it. "I'm just saying that there must be a reason for it."

Han backed away and smiled adorably again. "I just want to be your baby." He tilted his head as Minho looked at him lovingly, then grabbed his cheeks.

"Well, baby, you already are, and you don't have to do anything you don't want to to be. You got that?" The younger nodded cutely. "Do you want to go back to the dorm now then Hannie?"

"Why?" Lee Know smirked and grabbed his waist, pulling him really close.

"Did you not say you were going to be...mature? Han's eyes widened his eyes in surprise upon hearing that.

"Y-you mean-Wh-W-what do you-...huh?" Minho laughed at him.

"Nothing. C'mon baby, weren't we going to the playground?"

"But-" He stared at Minho, still in shock, but the older just grabbed his hand and walked towards the playground.

When they got there, they both just looked at it. "It's a bit small for you, don't you think?" Jisung blushed, remembering how childish he was being earlier.

"Uh, yea, I guess."

"I have a different idea."

"What is it?" He was still a bit shy but was getting excited about going somewhere.

"They're celebrating the Jinhae cherry blossom festival at the edge of town. Do you want to go?"

"Sure! What is going to be there?"

"There should be food, games, and lots of people. Plus it will be very beautiful." Minho smiled cutely at Han, who looked unsure. He had never been before, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to go, especially because he wasn't good with crowds. But one look into Minho's pleading eyes, and he immediately said yes.

They had to walk all the way, and weren't too excited, but time ended up passing quickly, as they were just talking to each other. Before they knew it, they were approaching a long line of cars, and saw a lot of people in the distance.

"Looks like we're here." Minho said, and tried to grab Hans hand, but he pulled away.


"Not here. We already have done too much in public." Minho pouted.

"Why nooot. No one even knows who we are, we have masks!"

"Babe, I know that, but we aren't even supposed to be here right now. Not together I mean. Please, just this time, no...physical contact." Minho was sad, but he knew Jisung was just as sad, he was just doing what had to be done.

Awww poor minsung having to hide their relationship T^T

Oki bye everyoneeeee <3

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