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"Ah," The chilling voice of Voldemort said raspily, "little Potter, how long it's been since I've last seen you."

I slightly shivered, "little Potter," he called me. His back is still turned away from me, Draco and I stood side by side, we had barely made any noise. I felt Draco's hand gripping mine harder. He was scared.

And so was I.

Voldemort slowly turned his head to look at us. He simply stared at us, as if expecting something. Both Draco and I stayed silent and still.

Voldemort's eyes flickered for a moment, "Kneel."

I could feel Draco's grip on my hand tighten even further. We exchanged a quick, uneasy glance, but neither of us moved. I couldn't even bring myself to utter a single word.

Now Voldemort was completely turned around to face us. Well, me. He slowly stepped closer and hissed, "Kneel."

Without myself even knowing it, my knee dropped to the floor. My heart pounded in my chest as I found myself unable to resist Voldemort's command.

It was as though an invisible force compelled me to kneel, my body betraying my every intention. Beside me, Draco's face contorted with a mix of fear and anger as he too was forced down.

"Ah, how delightful it is to see a Potter brought to her knees," he hissed, his voice dripping with malice. "And Draco Malfoy, a soon-to-be follower of mine, kneeling beside her. You both make a charming pair."

Our heads stayed down, but I could feel Voldemort's chilling presence looming over us. There was a perverse satisfaction in his voice, relishing in our submission. I clenched my fists, the anger and frustration boiling within me, but I remained powerless to defy him.

"Rise," Voldemort commanded, and once again, it was as though an unseen force lifted us to our feet.

He circled us slowly, his red eyes never leaving our forms. "You may wonder why I summoned you here, why I have not struck you down."

Draco and I exchanged a glance, but we remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

Voldemort stopped in front of us, his expression inscrutable. "I have a task for you, one that requires your... unique talents."

"What do you want from us?" Draco finally spoke, his voice edged with defiance.

Voldemort's lips curled into a cold smile. "All in good time, young Malfoy. For now, know this: you will be mine, bound by magic, and you will do as I command."

Draco gulped as his eyes wandered off elsewhere. Voldemort sneered, "Now, let's begin your initiation ceremony before we carry on."


As the ceremony concluded, Voldemort's red eyes bore into us. "You are now one of us, Draco Malfoy. Your loyalty to me is absolute, and you will serve the me, the Dark Lord, faithfully."

Draco's face was pale, his eyes haunted, but he nodded in submission. I knew he was doing this to protect not only himself but also me.

"And you, Y/n Potter," Voldemort turned his gaze to me, "you are a valuable asset. Your unique connection to Harry Potter will be of great use to me."

I clenched my fists, refusing to show any fear. "I'll never help you," I spat.

Voldemort's smile was cold and calculating. "We shall see. You may be bound by magic, but your spirit and soul is still free. I look forward to breaking them."

It was useless to protest, I'll be asking for death if I did that.

"Anyhow," Voldemort continued, "The task for the two of you..." He looked at us back and forth before continuing, "Dumbledore must be dead before the end of your Sixth Year."

I froze. He wants us to do what?! I looked over to Draco immediately, who turned even more pale.

Voldemort's eyes bore into ours, seeking any sign of hesitation or rebellion. I clenched my fists even tighter, my nails digging into my palms, as if physical pain could somehow drown out the emotional turmoil within me.

Draco, his face etched with a mixture of fear and resignation, finally managed to speak. "How... how do you expect us to do this, My Lord?"

Voldemort's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Ah, you will find a way, young Malfoy. You have both been chosen for a reason. You possess talents that can be harnessed for my cause."

My mind raced, searching for a way out of this nightmare. I couldn't fathom the thought of killing someone, let alone Dumbledore. But Voldemort's command left us with little choice.

"We will do as you command... My Lord," I forced the words out, my voice trembling. I couldn't allow Voldemort to see any hint of rebellion in us.

Voldemort's red eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Good. Remember, failure is not an option. You will receive instructions in due time, and you will carry out this task with no mistakes."


Draco and I walked back into his room in complete silence. The weight of Voldemort's command hung heavily upon us as we entered the dimly lit room.

The air was thick with tension, and the shadows seemed to dance eerily on the walls, mirroring the turmoil within our souls.

Draco collapsed onto his bed, his face buried in his hands. I could see the torment etched across his features, the conflict between his desire to survive and the moral horror of the task we'd been assigned.

I did the same next to him as I uncovered the Dark Mark and simply stared at it. The Mark seemed... stronger, in a way. I sighed as I covered the mark up again.

Draco's voice broke the heavy silence. "Y/n, can we really do this? I mean, killing Dumbledore? It's pretty ridiculous."

"I know," I replied, my voice barely a whisper.

"I'm glad you're not alone in this," Draco said as he turned his head and gave me a sad smile.

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