- fifteen -

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Malfoy and Blaise got close again.

I didn't know how to feel about that. They both drifted from me, we were all good friends, but all that has changed after I started dating Theo. And the fact that that's probably the very reason they became best friends had me silent.

I felt guilty, it felt like I was the one pushing them away. It also felt weird to only have one person that's actually willing to talk to me. Now whenever I try to say hi to Blaise or Malfoy, they only give me an unconcerned look before moving on.

"Don't blame yourself again," Theo said after seeing the sour expression I had on my face. He definitely knew how to read my mind, he often knew what's going on in my head before I even do anything to show it.

"Sorry, I just... I don't know," I sounded so helpless that even Theo didn't have a smile on his face. "I feel like I'm dragging you down too. You were like a ray of sunshine before, and now... well, you're just not as bright as before."

"Don't say that, Y/n. I'm the same as before, you're just thinking too much, relax your cute little head for once, hm?" He patted my head, attempting to comfort me.

I definitely don't deserve him, he's too sweet and such a great guy I couldn't help but think that.

"I've got an idea," Theo's face lit up, "All you've been doing so far is try to talk to them, why not try and make them talk to you?"

I raised my eyebrow. Me? Making Malfoy do something? Sounds impossible. "That's definitely not going to work."

"You won't know until you try, I'll even help you, come on!" He pulled me up from the commons room chair and into the dorms area, right in front of Malfoy and Blaise's shared dorm door.

"Wait!" I tried to stop him before he barged in without knocking but it was too late. Malfoy and Blaise both looked at us, confused. Blaise was staring at Theo, who looked way too happy than he probably should be. Malfoy's eyes were glued on me and how Theo was holding my hand.

"What are you two doing here?" Blaise asked, not looking at me at all.

"Y/n's been feeling down since you two kept ignoring her, so being the great person I am, I'm trying to make things normal between you guys again." I was shocked by how straightforward he was.

Blaise's gaze softened and looked at me, "Is that so?"

I didn't know what to say, and Theo seemed to realize that and spoke for me, "Yeah, of course."

I looked at Malfoy who hasn't said anything yet. He met my eyes and stayed silent as he looked at me coldly. I just knew I had to do something.

"Come on, Malfoy- no, Draco, please. I really want to stay friends." I pleaded. His eyes widened when I called him by his first name.

"I think you got him, good job." Theo whispered as he nudged me with his elbow.

The corner of Malfoy's mouth twitched and he let out a huff of amusement, "You're going first name basis just for me to come back? You really are desperate."

I gulped, "Is that a yes or a no?"

"I wasn't going to say yes, but seeing how desperate you are for me to even talk to me... sure." Malfoy said as he ran his hand through his hair as if he doesn't care. I smiled, realizing how much I missed that cocky and careless attitude he had.

"You happy now?" Theo smiled as he turned to me.

"Of course."


Soon it was the four of us rather than just me and Theo. Malfoy continued being the way he was before as if nothing has happened. Though, being with the top 3 ranked most handsome guys of Slytherin all the time did bring me some enemies.

"You're Y/n Potter?" A brunette girl came up to me, she wasn't in our year, I wasn't sure if she was a Second Year or a First Year.


"You must think you're some big shot, hanging out with all the good-looking guys. Some people step on two boats at a time, but you're stepping on three? You've got some guts, Potter." She then walked away.

"Don't take that to heart," Blaise said as he came up behind me, seemingly to have overheard what the girl said. "They're just jealous. Like, actually jealous."

"Who are we talking about?" It was Draco's voice this time.

"Some girl from another year, she kinda just lashed it out on me," I rolled my eyes as I recalled the moment.

"Jeez, maybe it was better when we weren't with you, at least you weren't bullied." Draco teased.

"I'm not getting bullied, Draco. They're just jealous, like Blaise said."

"Yeah yeah, sure. Say, where's your boyfriend? He's usually always with you," Draco asked with a small, almost unnoticeable pause at "boyfriend."

I thought for a moment, Theo did tell me where he was going this morning, but I can't remember where. "I don't remember, but he's been gone pretty early this morning."

"Let's just go to breakfast, he'll find us eventually," Blaise said as we started walking out to the Great Hall.

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