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Still Draco POV

It was now well past midnight judging by how quiet and calm the nightsky seemed. More importantly, Y/n had finally fell into deep slumber. It's been quite a few days since she has slept properly.

I looked at my now bare and unmarked left arm, knowing well that I'll miss how plain and dull it looks after the Malfoy Ball.

It was rather difficult trying to get Y/n to focus on the Malfoy Ball rather than the event that follows it. It will be her first time meeting with You-Know-Who as a "Death Eater."

It will also be my initiation ceremony that I have yet told her about.

Knowing Y/n, if she finds out about this beforehand, she will absolutely go bizarre. Maybe even to the point of knocking me out and tying and holding me hostage in my own dungeon. And I would very much not experience that.

I looked over at Y/n and smiled at how beautiful she looked under the dim moonlight. I'll sacrifice my own life to protect hers, I knew that very well deep inside my heart.


The grand ballroom of Malfoy Manor was adorned with shimmering silver and green decorations, and the soft glow of enchanted candles bathed the room in a warm, inviting light. The guests, elegantly dressed in their finest attire, filled the hall with laughter and conversation.

I scanned the room, searching for Y/n amidst the crowd. When I finally spotted her, my breath caught in my throat.

She looked absolutely breathtaking in the dress I had given her, and her smile illuminated the entire room. It was as if the worries of the world had momentarily faded, leaving only the enchantment of the evening.

I approached her, a rush of emotions flooding over me. "You look stunning," I whispered as I took her hand and kissed it gently.

Y/n blushed and gave me a playful smile. "You don't look so bad yourself, Malfoy." I took a quick glance at her left arm, making sure that it was at least covered up by something.

"Thank you," I replied with a grateful smile, relieved that her Dark Mark was concealed. The last thing I wanted was for anyone at the Malfoy Ball to notice it and start spreading it around like wildfire. "Shall we dance?"

As we began to dance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of serenity wash over me. In this moment, the world outside didn't matter. All that mattered was the feel of Y/n's hand in mine, the soft music, and the promise of a night filled with magic and wonder.

But beneath the surface of the festivities, the weight of our impending choices and the dangers that lay ahead lingered like a shadow. The Malfoy Ball was a brief respite from the storm that loomed over us, but it was a respite we intended to savor.

We swayed to the enchanting melodies, lost in each other's company. Y/n's laughter was like music to my ears, and the way her eyes sparkled in the candlelight made my heart skip a beat.

"You know," Y/n whispered, her voice soft and filled with warmth, "for a moment, I almost forgot about everything else. It's just you and me here."

I tightened my grip on her hand, a mixture of gratitude and longing coursing through me. "I'm glad. That's exactly what I wanted for tonight."

We then stepped aside to where all our friends were. It wasn't hard to notice that Blaise was at least a bit tipsy, probably from some alcohol he managed to swipe.

Blaise, with a slightly unsteady gait, raised his glass high. "To Draco and Y/n, the most enchanting couple of the evening!"

I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore his comment, "You're too drunk, go sober up before my mother catches you."

Blaise chuckled and took another sip from his glass. "Don't worry, mate. I can handle a few more rounds."

"Remember how you ended up under the guest room bed last time you drank?" Y/n asked jokingly.

"Oh yeah, I never found my lucky sock, it's a shame," Blaise said as he raised the glass to take another drink.

Daphne chimed in as she interlocked armed with Blaise, "Honestly, just let him be, he's having a good time. Besides, it's a celebration."

I raised an eyebrow at their sudden intimacy, "Since when has that been a thing?"

"A long while," Blaise almost instantly blurted out.

I chuckled at their antics, maybe I hadn't paid as much attention to the dynamics within our group as I should have. I looked over at Y/n, who was staring quite intensively at the clock.

Y/n's gaze fixed on the clock, and I could see a hint of worry in her eyes. It was understandable; the looming meeting with You-Know-Who was undoubtfully on her mind.

The last hour passed like minutes as we continued to share stolen moments of laughter and conversation.

As the clock struck midnight, signaling the end of the Ball, I knew that we couldn't delay the inevitable any longer. And it was probably time to tell Y/n about my decision.

But as we stood there, the final notes of the music fading away, I couldn't bring myself to utter the words. I didn't want to mar this perfect night with the weight of our reality.

So, I held her close and kissed her forehead, silently vowing to protect her at all costs. For now, in this moment, that was all that mattered.

I looked into Y/n's eyes, my heart heavy with the knowledge of what lay ahead. "Y/n, there's something I need to tell you. Something important."

She nodded, as if she's been expecting this. "I've been waiting for you to tell me, Draco. I could tell that something was off."

"Of course you noticed," I said with a sigh as I sat down on one of the chairs at the table, gesturing Y/n to take a seat too. With a deep breath, I began to confess, "I've decided to join... Well, you, technically."

I paused, not knowing how to make this sound not as bad as it would. I soon realized that this was utterly impossible.

Y/n looked at me, confused. Though I had a feeling she knew what I was referring to, but not wanting to jump to conclusions.

I swallowed, "Y/n, I'm sorry, I-- I didn't want to leave you all alone in the darkness, I know you told me not to, but I just--"

I was cut off as she suddenly stood up and hugged me. Y/n's sudden embrace caught me off guard. Her arms wrapped around me tightly, and I could feel her trembling ever so slightly. For a moment, we simply held each other, her head nestled against my chest.

I gently stroked her hair, trying to find the right words. "Y/n, you don't have to say anything. I understand if you're angry or disappointed."

She pulled away slightly, her eyes meeting mine. There was no anger in her gaze, only a profound sadness. "Draco, I saw this was coming. I've seen the signs, and I've felt it. I didn't want to believe it, but I can see why you're doing this."

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she wiped them away with the back of her hand. "I'm just scared. For you, myself... For us. What if we can't turn back?"

"There's always a way to go back, I'll make sure of it," I reassured her, "My parents can help, Godfather can help, and eventually, our friends will help."

Y/n nodded, her fingers clutching onto my suit as if trying to anchor herself in an uncertain sea. "I hope so, I truly hope so."

Her vulnerability pierced through my own fears and doubts, and I held her even closer. "It'll all be all right one day, trust me, it'll all be all right."

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