- twelve -

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Nott has became closer to me than before, I wanted to avoid him but didn't as I realized he's not a big problem. It wasn't like he was bothering me, he was just around me more than before. It wasn't in an annoying way either, I think it's safe to say that I even enjoyed his company.

On my way to classes, I would almost always feel an arm wrapped around my neck. That's when I had to play the guessing game. Is it Malfoy, Blaise, or Nott?

Well, I guess just Blaise and Nott is possible. For some weird reason, I've seen Malfoy around less than he used to. Way too less. Sometimes he wasn't even in class, which was weird because I thought he was proud of his perfect grades and attendance.

Where did he run off to? No idea. I tried asking Blaise, but all he said was he didn't know. I even asked Pansy, who brought up the fact that she's supposed to be staying far away from him because of the bet she lost a while ago.

I was even planning to ask his loyal bodyguards, but I doubt they'd tell me. If Malfoy didn't want to see me, he'll definitely tell those two to not tell me anything. Plus, Nott refuses to leave my side these days. It's almost as if I gained myself a loyal bodyguard too.

"Hey Y/n, where are we going now? The courtyard? I'll tag along," He'd always say everything with a happy tone and a smile. I was surprised on how sunshine he was, since he looked rather chill and cold on the outside before we got close. But I gotta admit, he does make my days here more joyous with his positive energy.

"Sure, courtyard it is then," I replied and headed towards the courtyard with Nott. We joined Blaise who was sitting alone, reading a book. "Hey Blaise," I greeted as I sat next to him.

"Oh Y/n! Hi!" He smiled and looked at me while he quickly slammed his book close. He slid the book behind him, hiding it from my view. "How are you doing on this fine day?" He almost sounded a bit over ethusiatic, even for Blaise.

"What's wrong with you today?" Nott blurted out, noticing Blaise's weird behavior as well.

"What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm perfectly fine and normal just like any other day." Blaise assured us. But all that did was made me more suspicious.

"Are you hiding something again? Like last time when Malfoy and Pansy made a bet on me? Is there something like that going on again?" I questioned him, remembering how he kept it away from me for so long.

"No! Well, at least not something about Draco. It's- It's private!" I watched him grasp the book he tried to hide earlier, not wanting us to get to it.

Nott snatched it right out of his hand smoothly and smiled, "You're as weak as ever, that was way too easy." He looked at the book closely, and I got up to see too.

It wasn't just any book, it was a diary. "You have a diary?" I teased Blaise, who had his face buried in his hands.

"Shut up! Don't look through it!" He said loud enough for us to hear through his hands.

Nott didn't care though, he immediately opened up the diary and started reading everything out loud.

"Dear Diary, today I saw Draco and Y/n coming back into the common rooms at midnight again. How did they not get caught yet? This got to be like the 23rd time this has happened in the past month..." Nott's facial expression stiffened as he skimmed the rest without reading it out loud.

He didn't look as bubbly as he usually did. Instead, he looked annoyed, angry even. He shoved Blaise's diary back into Blaise's hands and just left without a word. The two of us watched him disappear down the corridor in confusion.

"You didn't put anything offensive in there, did you?" I asked Blaise, not looking away.

"No, I just-" Blaise sighed before continuing, "I just wrote some personal stuff, okay? I guess he didn't like that or something."

I nodded and looked at him. He was completely flushed, cheeks red and all. "Blaise, could it be that you two share a crush or something? Maybe he's just jealous."

Blaise's eyes shot open. "You think so? Yeah, that could be it."

"Now don't think I'm nosy or anything, who's your crush? I wanna know," I asked him now that I have the chance, "For, uh, for talking about it with Nott. He might not want to talk to you but maybe he'll talk to me, yeah?"

Blaise just looked at me and waved his hands, signalling a "forget it."

"Aw, shucks."

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