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I ended up getting the ink and paper myself because neither of those two budged when I politely asked them to. I wrote to every single one of them, mostly criticizing them for not even thinking about writing to me and Elmia. I sent out Waddles, my barn owl.

I grabbed my binocular from the side of my desk and watched Waddles fly into a manor not too far from ours. The manor was huge, surrounded by tons of trees, it almost seemed like a castle. I knew all they were rich, but which one of them is that rich?

Although we're not poor either (actually pretty rich too), we just settled on this small-ish house because my mother was creeped out by how big a manor or estate would be when there's just the three of us and maybe one or two guests.

"Hey, Elmy, come look at this," I said as I gestured her to come over.

"What is it now?" She groaned as she squeezed in next to me.

I gave her my binocular and pointed towards the manor, "Do you see that huge ass manor? Waddles just flew in their window, whose manor do you think that is?"

"Yeah I see it," She looked a bit more, "The manor looks kind of familiar... Isn't that the Malfoy Manor?"

"Malfoy Manor? Wait, Draco's that rich? That little prat won't even get me a chocolate frog last time!"

Elmia put down the binocular and laughed, "He's just stingy, that's all."

"I guess..." I looked at the manor that wasn't so far away, "He lived this close? I never knew."

"Why would you know in the first place?" Elmia looked at me, and then her the corners of her lips curled up into a smile, "You like him, don't you? You can tell me."

"No, I don't," I said calmly and turned away, slightly proud of myself for not even hesitating.

"Yeah, keep lying. It's not that hard to tell, you know?" Elmia nudged me with her elbow and gave me a cunning smile. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not lying, I don't like him. And never will."

"We'll see about that."


Waddles flew back around 2 hours later with all their replies tied to his two legs. I never thought that any of them would live so close. I grabbed a random one and it turned out to be Draco's. I opened it up and started reading:

Not my fault I didn't know where you lived. I'll be visiting now that I know.


I couldn't help but feel offended on how less effort he put into his reply compared to mine and scoffed as I moved onto everyone else's. Daphne has been busy with family matters. Well, mostly with her grandma. Blaise said he had completely forgotten about how we could owl each other. Theo has been busy with the loads of commands from Tiberius.

"Blaise is definitely making excuses. There's no way anyone could've forgotten about owling." Elmia commented.

"Well, we kinda did..." My voice trailed off.

"Oh shit, you're right."

I laughed at her reaction and rolled up all the letters again and set them aside the desk. "What should we do tomorrow? Obviously can't surprise visit any of those 4."

"There's not much places to go, but Diagon Alley's my pick. We can go ask Potter where he wants to go."

"Still last name basis, huh?" I snickered.

"Ain't no way I'm calling a Gryffindor by their first name so easily."

"Stubborn as ever I see."


Harry's vote made us go to Diagon Alley, I don't know why they didn't like the sound of staying home. But now we're currently walking around Diagon Alley for at least the 5th time so far this summer.

"Fred! George!" Harry shouted and ran towards the two Weasley twins. I scoffed, forgot he was close to the Weasleys.

I exchanged looks with Elmia and we both shrugged and walked towards them as well.

"Hey Harry, who are," One of them asked.

"These two?" The other finished.

"This is my cousin, Y/n, and that's our friend Elmia Yaxley," Harry said with a smile.

"You've got a cousin?" The twin on the right said.

"You're in Slytherin, right?" The other asked me. I simply nodded in response. He looked at Elmia, "I'll assume that you are too by your family name."


The Yaxleys were famous in the Ministry of Magic, basically all of them ended up being some high ranked members. Knowing how smart Elmia is, that's probably what she's going to be too. 

We started walking with the Weasley twins for the rest of our Diagon Alley trip, and that made me realize one thing. The Weasley twins aren't like the rest of their family. Ron Weasley is a pushover, Ginny Weasley is a brat, and Percy Weasley is a goody-two-shoes. But the twins? They really didn't quite fit in as much other than their physical appearance.

As much as I didn't like their siblings, I can't blame that on the twins. So naturally, that didn't stop me from getting somewhat close to them. They were actually pretty fun to be with. I'm sure even Elmia would say so too.

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