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Malfoy got me some water after sitting me down on the couch in the common room and sat down next to me. I was wiping tears off my cheeks. Why the hell am I even crying?

"You know, you didn't have to defend me like that," Malfoy said with a smirk, attempting to lighten up the mood.

"It's not like I wanted to," I scoffed, "They were going too far. They kept calling you an idiot and telling me to stay away from you and all..."

"Aww you wanted to stay near me?" He started wiping my tears off for me with his hand now that I was too busy talking to do so.

I rolled my eyes, "Anyway, they just kept shit talking you and I just couldn't stand it anymore so I sorta snapped."

He gave me a light smile, "Don't worry about a thing, Y/n. I bet Potter and his two little friends won't try something like that near you again."

I raised an eyebrow, "Since when were we on first name basis?"

"When you started yelling at Potter in front of like, the whole school. You deserved it," His smile grew a bit wider as he looked into my eyes. I never noticed how his grey eyes were so pretty. I was easily lost in them.

He noticed me staring and smirked, "Never seen someone as handsome as me? It's okay, me too."

I rolled my eyes. What a narcissistic bitch.


We ended up skipping four classes for that. Because of that, we had to go see Bumblebee- I mean Dumbledore for a "talk." At least I think that's why we're being called in. I didn't like Dumbledore, he doesn't treat me bad but I just don't like him.

"Fuck, I don't wanna go." Malfoy groaned as we neared Dumbledore's office.

"Maybe actually wake me up instead of staying with me for six hours." I hissed.

"Whatever." Malfoy mumbled as he knocked on Dumbledore's office door.

"Come in." We heard. Malfoy opened the door and we entered the room.

We were welcomed by Dumbledore's smile, which we returned awkwardly. "Please, have a seat." He said, gesturing us to the two seats that seemed to be placed there just for us. We sat down and exchanged each other a look before facing Dumbledore again.

"I'm glad to see how close you two have become since the school year has started," Dumbledore started, "But I am surprised on how Miss Potter's relations with Harry doesn't bother you, Mr. Malfoy."

Oh shit.

Malfoy's eyebrows scrunched together, "Relations? What do you mean?"

I froze in my seat completely, thinking about how Malfoy would react once he finds out, whether he'll tell everyone. I felt Malfoy elbowing me, getting my attention to have me look at him, "What's he saying, Y/n?"

I couldn't hold the eye contact and looked down on the ground and never answered his question.

"Miss Potter, you can't keep this in the dark forever," Dumbledore started. This bitch did it on purpose. "If... If you two do end up dating, this will hurt Mr. Malfoy more than it will now. I'm doing this for your own good."

"Fuck, don't tell me you two are engaged or something. Is that why you've got matching last names?" Malfoy said, looking at me in disbelief.

"What? No! What the fuck?" I exclaimed, surprised with his outrageous theory. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Then that's fine, I don't know what else would hurt me in any way except for your stupidity."

Dumbledore cleared his throat, snapping us back into track. "Mr. Malfoy, you see, Y/n Potter here is Harry Potter's distant cousin."

There was a moment of silence before any of us said anything. Malfoy's amused smirk broke the silence eventually, "That's it? Merlin, that scared the shit out of me."


Out of all the possible ways I thought he'd react, this wasn't it. I expected him to be mad, sad, upset, everything but this. I looked at him, shocked.

"I've known." He said calmly, looking at Dumbledore's amused face. "I've known even before I met her."



anyways what do you guys think so far?

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