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Before you guys start, I'm so sorry about all the time skips, I just want to get to the summer part and year 4 as soon as possible since I don't want this book to get too long.


Draco is currently carrying me to the hospital wing on his back after I tripped on the common room carpet and landed my head directly on the table. This day couldn't get any worse. The day started out great, breakfast with Elmia and the rest of the friend group joins and laugh. 

But then as soon as classes start, it was as if someone turned on the clumsy button on me. I either drop my book, almost trip on air, or bump into someone. I've embarrassed myself basically the whole day today. And now I trip over the stupid carpet and hit my head on the damn table. 

"What's with you today and clumsiness? You two soulmates?" Draco mocked, slightly annoyed. He was, afterall, the one that happened to take care of mostly all of my tumbling today.

"Shut up, I'm literally bleeding my head off."

"Fine, fine, we're almost there, make sure your head doesn't fall off." He picked up his pace and made it to the hospital wing in no time, "Madame Pomfrey, her head is falling off."

"What?" Madame Pomfrey shrieked. I rolled my eyes and smacked the back of Draco's head.

"He's being an asshole, I just bumped my head on a table after tripping on the carpet." Madame Pomfrey let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, put her down on this bed right here, Mister Malfoy," Madame Pomfrey patted on the empty bed. Draco put me down gently on the bed. 

"Do I need to leave or can I just wait in the corner somewhere?" Draco asked.

"You may stay." Draco nodded and just leaned on the wall of the nearest corner while watching me.

Madame Pomfrey then proceeded to heal me with magic and wiped the dried blood off my forehead. "Alright, just rest up because you did lose a good amount of blood, you might feel lightheaded. But good thing you got good friends like Mister Malfoy over there."

"Thanks for your care," I smiled before jumping off the bed almost instantly. I almost tumbled over after forgetting the fact that she just told me that I'll be lightheaded. Draco almost instantly appeared next to me before I actually fell.

"You're too clumsy for this," He swung my arm around his shoulder and got going, "Thanks, Madame Pomfrey!" And we were out of the door. Draco turned to me and just simply stared for a few seconds. 

"What? Do I have something on my face?"  He shook his head and smiled.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about something." We got back inside the common rooms, it was  empty as it was pretty late and everyone is in their rooms. 

I took my arm off Draco's shoulder and he straightened up again. "What were you thinking about?" I asked him and sat down. 

"Good question. I don't want to tell you," Draco said as he sat down in the couch across from me, still smiling. 

I smiled back sarcastically, "Oh really, is it about someone in our friend group?" 

He shook his head.

"Something about me?"

"Kind of," He gave me a shrug.

"What about... Something about Harry?" I made dead eye contact with him. His eyes slightly twitched at the mention of Harry's name. "I'll take that as a yes."

Draco sighed and ran through his hair with a slightly visible smile and his eyes closed, "Can't hide nothing from you, can I?"

"I suppose not," I shrugged, "So what were you thinking about exactly? You know that me and him still aren't exactly on talking terms."

Draco leaned back on the couch with his arms crossed. His hair was messy and his grey eyes were glistening from the light. He looked me in the eye before speaking, "I was thinking about how you would react if I told you that Potter learned the truth." 

He looked around, making sure there was no one else around. He made eye contact with me again, "The truth about how you two are related."

"What? How did he know? And plus, how did you know?" I asked in shock. 

How could Harry possibly know? I doubt Draco said anything, he hasn't even spoken to Harry for ages. Did my parents owl him? Did Dumbledore tell him?

"You know that the Gryffindors are awfully loud with their conversations, private or not. I overheard those three talking about it when I walked past them." Draco answered as he continued playing with his hair, it seemed to be his newly formed habit.

"Well, were they talking about it in an angry way or a surprised way?" I asked. I just hope they won't tell the whole damn school I lied.

Draco thought for a bit, "Mm, in a happy way, I guess? Potter seemed delighted to have relatives still alive. I'm not so sure about the other two, the mudblood was saying how she's glad that Potter found a relative. Weaselbee on the other hand was sort of trash-talking you because you lied to everyone."

I nodded in response. Well, at least Harry isn't the one mad, that'll make it easier for me. But thinking about this made me remember something else.

My parents owled me and just told me a cousin will be staying over during the summer. I assumed that it would be cousin's from my mother's side, the Batleys. 

I was expecting one of my cousins that I was close to, such as Rowena Batley and Pomona Batley. But now I was certain the cousin they told me about was Harry.

Why else would he be so happy about the whole thing? 

"Y/n?" Draco spoke again, snapping me back to reality, "It's getting late, let's sleep?" He stood up and began moving towards the rooms.

"Oh. Oh yeah, sure." I got up and took his lead.

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