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"No! Stop making me get a cat because 'I act like one,' I do not!" I watched as a little girl argued with who appears to be her older brother. It was quite amusing, really, considering I grew up as an only child and barely argued with family.

"You're basically acting like an orange tabby right now, I don't see why you're complaining about getting a twin!"

"Because I don't want a cat! I want an owl like everyone else!"

The boy rolled his eyes, "Fine, only because you'll shut the heck up."

I felt a soft tap on my right shoulder and I turned to see who or what it was. I met the hazel eyes of Rohan, who has his twin behind him.

"I was just wondering," Rohan started, his eyes darting everywhere, "If you were... okay from what happened. I'm sorry that I couldn't be more clear, I should've took my divination lessons more seriously."

I smiled, "I'm fine, don't worry about me. Draco's been taking great care of me, we really should've listened to your warning more though."

Rohan's shoulders relaxed a bit as he heard my reassurance. "I'm glad to hear that you're okay," he said. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

My left arm slightly flinched, it was an usual thing that happened every so often when I thought back to the Mark or what happened that night.

"It's alright, Rohan," I said, trying to hide the slight discomfort. "Some futures... you can't change. You did your best, and that's what matters. Besides, I'm safe now."

He nodded to himself, "I guess you're right."

"What are you two doing here?" Draco's voice said as I heard two glass cups being softly placed on the table.

Rohan's eyes are now on Draco, "Sorry, didn't mean to disturb your date, but I was just checking up on Y/n after the whole... incident."

Seeing Draco visibly jealous wasn't hard since he gets jealous over every little thing. If a guy accidentally bumps into me, he gets in the face of that guy and throw him a couple of threats and makes him promise he'll never even look at me for longer than half a second, let alone touch me.

Draco's eyebrows frowned, "Well, she's fine and well-fed, all thanks to me even though she doesn't admit it, so hurry along now, I bet you two have some supply hunting to do."

"That's exactly right, come on," Sylas said as he hurriedly dragged Rohan away.

As Rohan and Sylas left, I turned to Draco with a teasing smile. "Jealous much?" I asked playfully with my eyebrow raised.

Draco huffed, crossing his arms. "I am not jealous," he retorted, though the slight pink tinge on his cheeks gave him away.

"Mm, sure," I said, not buying it. "You know you don't have to be jealous. You're the one I like and I for sure won't be changing that."

"I'm not worried about you," Draco laughed, "But you can never be too careful."

"I suppose you're not wrong," I then nodded towards the two glasses of butterbeer, "Let's drink?"


"You won't believe what Potter's done this time, Y/n." Draco's voice boomed as he allowed himself into my bedroom.

"Hm? What'd he do? Accidentally bump into you and didn't say sorry?" I asked mockingly.

"I'm not that petty, please," He said with a laugh, "Potter's got a court hearing for underage magic."

I raised my eyebrow, "What'd he do? Hex that incredibly obese and spoiled cousin he got?"

Draco snickered, "That'd be funny, but I don't know the details."

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