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I departed with my parents and sat in the same compartment with Blaise and Malfoy's friends. Malfoy didn't talk much the entire train ride, in fact, he was asleep until the last 10 minutes. Blaise was awake though, and I was grateful for that. I was curious about Hogwarts, and it seemed like only he was up to talking to me. 

Blaise's friends were weird, well, not in a good nor bad way. They just had a weird aura to them. Take Pansy Parkinson for example, she is definitely obsessed with Malfoy, even I can tell and I'm a dumb fuck when it comes to these things. Then there's the two obese bodyguards of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. They didn't talk much, but when they did, I wanted them to shut the fuck up right away so their stupidity don't destroy my life energy. The only normal one is probably Blaise. I haven't spoken to Malfoy after he asked for my last name, so I can't decide on him yet.

In the middle of the ride though, it suddenly got cold everywhere and it felt like all hope was gone. I was litearlly about to freeze to death and pass out. Blaise and everyone else had already passed out. Well, everyone but Malfoy. Malfoy woke up to the coldness and looked at me. "Shit," he mumbled as he moved closer to me and attempted to warm me up with his body temperature, which was also dropping fast. 

"What's happening?" I managed to squeeze out of my freezing body. "Shut up," Malfoy said as he wrapped his arms around me tighter, trying to gain some warmth himself too. I stayed quiet and tried to stay awake, that didn't exactly work as I didn't wake up until later. Malfoy was already far away from me, barely paying attention to me. 

We eventually got off the train, and as a transfer student, I was escorted to the Great Hall with the first years to get sorted into a house. Blaise mentioned that everyone in our compartment is in Slytherin, so I wanted to be in Slytherin. I looked around at the four long ass tables in the Great Hall, seeing if my dumbass would be able to spot Harry with just memories of seeing him on newspapers. 

I didn't.


The sorting finally started, and since I was a transfer, I was told I'll be sorted first.

"Potter, Y/n!" McGonagall shouted out. I walked up to the seat as whispers filled the Hall, probably discussing me. She puts the hat on me and I waited patiently.

"A Potter, eh?..." And then the hat started speed talking in that British accent I haven't gotten the exact hang of yet, so I didn't understand a single word until...


The hat was lifted off my head and I looked around, everyone had their eyes on me and it was practically silent. But after a few seconds, the Slytherin table started clapping and cheering for me and I started walking towards them. I was greeted with warmth from Blaise and Malfoy's cold gaze as he clapped while watching me slowly walk over.

"We've got a Potter in Slytherin it seems," Malfoy said, locking eye contact with me, then breaking it to look over at another table. "Bet the other Potter's shocked," he said with a smirk. I looked over in the same direction as him and I pretended to act dumb, "There's another Potter here?"

Malfoy immediately swung his head back and looked at me in disbelief, "Don't tell me you came here without know fucking Harry Potter goes here." 

I shook my head, "I actually didn't." Malfoy scrunched his eyebrows together, "Well, now you do. He's in Gryffindor, the dumbest house in history. Slytherin's the best, of course, in case you're wondering." I just nodded and looked over at the Gryffindor table that was right next to ours. 

This time, I recognized him. Round glasses, the simple white boy cut, and the slightly visible scar. And he was also looking at me with confused eyes.

"Potter, Potter!" Draco said to Harry while smirking, "Is it true you fainted? I mean, you actually fainted?" He and his friends laugh while a redhead told him to shut up and turned Harry back around.

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