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Malfoy tried striking up conversations on our way back to the Slytherin Common Room, I wanted to ignore him but thinking back to what just happened earlier, I'd rather do what he says for now. But from the questions he asks me, it was pretty obvious that he has never had a proper conversation.

"What was your name again?" "Where's France anyway?"

I can't imagine this idiot as the highest scorers in Hogwarts.

I went straight to my room the second we set foot in the Common Room. I was too exhausted to deal with anyone right now. Especially if that someone's Malfoy. I nearly fell asleep until I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I groaned grumpily, still laying on my bed.

"Hey Y/n, got a minute?" A familiar voice said. I looked up, it was Blaise.

"Hi Blaise," I smiled and sat up, "What's up?" Blaise closed the door behind him and sat in the chair across from my bed.

"I heard about what happened with Snape and Draco," he started, "Are you gonna be okay with him? You have been avoiding him a lot recently."

"It's not like my opinions have any say in this," I rolled my eyes, "When I tried to object, Malfoy cut me off and answered for me. Like why even ask for my opinion!"

Blaise thought for a while until he opened his mouth to speak, "Well, I'm a pretty decent scorer, I can try to get it to be me and Draco tutoring you so it wouldn't be that much of a pain in the ass for you."

I smiled at his offer but looked down as that'd be highly unlikely. Snape doesn't like to change things he decided on. "Nah, it's likely that Snape would say no and who knows, maybe you'll get in trouble for doubting his decisions." I sighed.


Day 1 of Malfoy Tutoring me. Sounds so fucking fun, I know. He's walking in front of me and I'm just behind him, following him like a lost kid. I hate it so much. We went inside the Potions classroom and Malfoy chose a seat in the front. I rolled my eyes as I sat down across from him.

"Hey don't be rolling your eyes at me, I'm practically your professor now." Malfoy smirked.

"Oh come on now, don't make this harder for me than it should be."

"Is that you begging me?" The smirk on his face grew. I sighed. This is going to be a long day.


"Oh for fuck's sake how the fuck do you not know this?! You're so dumb," Malfoy was on the verge of tears. It's been around... 2 or 3 hours now? We've been doing the same Potions homework the entire time.

"Well, I'm sorry, maybe you should have let me object this whole decision of Snape's!"

Malfoy rolls his eyes, "I didn't think that you were this stupid! Plus you should thank me for not letting you object Snape!" He looked me in the eyes.

"And why's that? There's no way Snape's gonna fucking kill me, is he?"

"Whatever," Malfoy sighed, "Let's just get this over with."

Malfoy spent another half an hour trying to actually teach me, but as the ultimate dumbass I am, he gave up and just gave me the answers. "Why didn't you do that earlier, we would've been done long ago."

"Well I didn't think that you were this dumb!" Malfoy rolled his eyes, "It's late, let's head back before Filch gets us." I nodded and we packed up our things and peeked our heads out of the classroom, seeing if Filch is anywhere near.

"Go, go, go!" Malfoy whispered as he gently pushed me out the door and followed behind me. We rushed into the Slytherin common room. Exhausted me went straight to the couch and slumped. 

"Didn't think it'd take you guys until midnight," A voice said. I turned around, it was Pansy.

"What does that have anything to do with you, Parkinson?" Malfoy hissed, glaring at her.

"Ugh, whatever," Pansy huffed as she left the common room.

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