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It didn't take long for me to get used to the single life again, it wasn't as different as before, Draco stayed by my side as an attempt to help me cope. Though I told him multiple times I didn't need it, he insisted.

I was completely fine, it wasn't like Theo was ordered to date me, he was just ordered to get close to me. Everything else was genuine, so what was there to be depressed about?

Though that incident did affect Theo a lot, rather than the happy go lucky personality he always had, he let his cold self take over a bit too. It was almost as if he was a second Draco Malfoy with brown curly hair.

But he wasn't, he wasn't trying to be him either. Since his feelings were genuine, he was obviously heartbroken after I broke up with him. I was completely fine after eating tons after we returned to Hogwarts, but I wouldn't say the same about Theo.

He didn't eat as much and didn't seem like he has been sleeping enough either. He tries to smile when we try and talk to him, but he was obviously too weak to even follow our words. I felt bad, he technically didn't do anything extremely wrong, all he did was like me and obey his father.

I often thought that I went too far when I broke up with him. If his feelings were genuine, why would I break up with him? I answered my own question after a few moments. 

Because of his definite obedience to his father. If Tiberius told him to kill me, I can't promise that he won't. His obedience is a threat to me. If we're not dating, and just simply friends, I won't fully trust him. I keep a distance from people I don't fully trust. 

I didn't keep a distance from Draco though. I did at first, but now I don't. I would even say I almost hated him after his threat towards me during the first night I spent at Hogwarts. But now? I trust him with almost my whole life.



A few months passed by, everything was starting to get normal again. This includes Draco stop being my personal therapist/bodyguard and Theo back to his usual self. 

I also made a few new friends these past few months. Daphne Greengrass and Elmia Yaxley. Both of them came from pureblood families, which wasn't a surprise judging how they're in Slytherin as well.

Daphne had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. She gives off a mysterious feeling, she doesn't talk much, at least not to strangers. 

Elmia had gorgeous brown locks and green eyes. She has a smile that could brighten my day faster and better than anything else. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a tiny crush on her.

It was the last few weeks of Hogwarts, things had happened and changed a lot during the last few months. One of the biggest changes was how apparently Sirius Black was actually on school grounds and "hunted down" Harry. Then it was revealed that Black was actually Harry's Godfather. Another shocking news was how our DADA teacher, Professor Lupin was alledgedly a werewolf.

None of it had much connection to me other than the fact that Harry was my cousin. But no one else knows that here except for Dumbledore, Draco, and me. Maybe some of the Professors as well, but obviously they have their mouths shut on the matter, or else everybody would've known I lied.

While the dementors were horrifying, they didn't come near Slytherins for some unknown reason. Draco said that the dementors seemed to bother the Gryffindors more. I didn't believe him at first, but I observed a bit too and found it true. 

I saw Elmia at the Slytherin table the second I entered the Great Hall. She saw me too and smiled and waved at me to come over. It was pretty early in the morning so not much people were in there except the professors and Dumbledore. 

I ran over to her and gave her a small hug before sitting down next to her, "Good morning." 

"Morning, Y/n. Quick question, can I stay at your place over the summer? My parents told me they might not be home for most of it and asked me to just join a friend if I could." Elmia asked as she filled my plate with some cauldron cakes and crumpets.

"I'm sure my parents won't mind. But you'll probably gonna have to share a room with one of my cousins that's staying too. Unless you want to be in my room instead," I responded before stuffing my mouth.



fyi Elmia Yaxley is my OC so you probably won't find anything about her except for her last name. Oh and no Elmia is not a Death Eater's daughter, they are distant relatives.

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