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I was shown my room and bed and now in the Slytherin Common Room, writing a letter to my friends back in Beauxbatons. Just as I was about to start, I was interrupted by a somewhat familiar voice. "Who are you writing to?" I looked up and met eyes with Pansy, who was just standing there.

I looked back down and dipped my quill into the ink, "My friends back in France, it's been a while." I started writing in French as she shrugged and walked away. I continued writing but was interrupted again. "Potter."

I looked up, it was Malfoy. "Yeah?" I responded, suddenly having a quick flashback to what happened on the train. He looked around and made sure no one was listening and closed the distance between us as I remained seated and looked up at him.

"You better not tell anyone what happened on the train," He stopped for a second, "It's embarrassing." Then he walked away to his room as if nothing happened. I blinked a few times, processing what just happened. Why was he worried about that?

I quickly wrapped up my letter and went into my room and collapsed on my bed. I let out a sigh of relief, what a night, right?


I was on my way to Potions with Blaise until I was pulled aside by someone. I looked over at the direction and saw Harry. I looked at him blankly while signalling Blaise to go ahead. "What?" I asked him.

"You're... You're last name... is Potter." He said slowly, maintaining eye contact.

"Yeah? So?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, no, but you know how I'm... Harry Potter. And you're a Potter, so.." He said, taking forever to get to the point.

"We're not related sorry, not if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to not be late to my first class in Hogwarts." I said while slightly pushing him aside and hurried to Potions before I was actually late.

"Ah, Miss Potter, thank you for finally joining us after what seemed like an eternity." The long-haired Professor said coldly. I quickly rushed to the open seat next to Blaise. I could feel the man's side eye burning to the back of my head. I sat down and avoided eye contact, which probably made me look more guilty than I was.

"Took you long enough, what'd Potter have to say?" Blaise whispered as soon as the Professor turned his back and started talking.

"He thought I was related to him, I told him no and just ran here. I didn't think I'd actually be late." I whispered back. Before Blaise could say anything back, Malfoy interrupted, "Psst, Potter." I turned my head and looked at him and mouthed a "What?" He threw a paper airplane at me after confirming the professor still had his back turned.

I opened up the paper airplane and read what he wrote; "What'd that no-good Potter say? Tell me after class." I looked at Malfoy, who was waiting for my response, I nodded and we both paid attention to class again. Blaise and I exchanged small conversations every few minutes when class gets boring.


After class came along, but I have completely forgotten about the note after that long, exhausting first-day lecture. I was about to go back to the Slytherin Common Room to rest up before History of Magic starts in half an hour but was pulled aside by Malfoy on my wrist.

"Are you just as idiotic as Potter or what?" He scrunched his eyebrows together, and not giving me a chance to diss him back, he continued talking, "What'd he say to you?" He was still grabbing my wrist, and I looked back and forth from his hand on my wrist and his face.

"Well?" He gawked, obviously not noticing how everyone that walked by saw how he's gripping my wrist. I heard some distant whispers along the lines of "Are they dating?"

"You're the one that told me to 'not tell anyone' and here you are, not letting my wrist go and letting everyone see." I spat as I free my wrist from his tight ass grip. He was taken back, eyes widened when I snapped at him. But soon he broke into a smirk.

"Fiesty I see," He said cockily. He slightly bended down, his face only inches away from mine, "So, what'd he say?" His grey eyes looked like he was trying to kill me with his stare.

I looked away, breaking the eye contact and took a few steps back, "He just thought we were related like how you and everyone else did." Malfoy straightened up and ruffled his hair and sighed.

"And I thought it'd be something juicy." He mumbled as he walked off.

The hell's with that cocky ass of his...

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