- eighteen -

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We didn't run into Tiberius after the first day, I don't know if it was because they have a gigantic house, or he was just never home. But either way, it's great. We're now down to our last few days here before we have to return to Hogwarts.

It was pretty late at night, I couldn't fall asleep so I went to one of the many balconies that weren't as close to everybody's rooms to look at the stars or something. I was glad there was a warming spell casted around the place. To my surprise, Draco was there too. He was sitting on one of the two armchairs, clearly falling asleep.

But his eyes opened as soon as I sat down in the other armchair. "Y/n." He mumbled, turning to face me with messy hair and sleepy eyes. I could tell he was barely awake.

"Sorry," I said hurriedly, "Go back to sleep, you probably need it."

"I'm fine," He shifted in his seat and rubbed his eyes. He looked at me again, this time with a bit more energy in his eyes, "I need to tell you something."

"Hm? What is it?" I answered casually. It's probably just some late-night Draco comments like usual.

"It's about Tiberius Nott," He started, which grabbed my attention, "And the rest of our parents."

"Oh? You're finally letting me in on the secret now?" I chuckled.

Draco wasn't in the mood for laughing though, "I'm serious this time, Y/n." He didn't have any sort of emotion written on his face, I couldn't even tell that he was asleep just a minute ago. I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

"Before I start, Y/n, you do know who You-Know-Who is, right?" He asked, I nodded. "Do you know what his followers are called?"

"No idea on that one actually, not a word mentioned in France."

"They're called Death Eaters. And the reason why Slytherins are often... disliked by other people was because majority of the Slytherins end up being Death Eaters." He had a long pause before continuing, "Our parents... All three of our parents are Death Eaters."

I didn't give him a reaction, I'm not sure why.

"Right, forgot you're not that close to Potter to care," Draco huffed, "But anyway, you should still look out. Especially the one that lives here, not even my father likes him."

"Wait so, this was what all three of you were sour about the other day? I thought he was like a child molester or something judging by the way you guys spoke-" Draco started laughing out if disbelief.

"How are you so calm? You're not scared? That the three of us, one of them being your fucking boyfriend, might become a follower of You-Know-Who?" Draco looked at me as if I was insane.

"No one should be defined by their family or house. Just because your parents or the past Slytherin alumnis were Death Eaters doesn't automatically make you one," I replied, looking right back into his relaxed eyes.

"Not all Slytherins are bad just like not all Gryffindors are good," I shrugged. He couldn't help but smile.

"I like the sound of that," was the last words he said and the last words I heard until I fell asleep in the silence of the night.


Draco's POV

I woke up earlier than usual and got up. Y/n was still sleeping soundly, I tip toed away from the balcony and knocked on Nott's door. "I know you're awake, Nott. We need to talk," I announced after there was barely any noise heard from the other side of the door.

I watched the doorknob turn, revealing Nott who was already neatly dressed for the day. "Come in, there's a silencing spell on the room, you can't find anywhere else as soundproof as mine here."

I walked in, closed the door behind me and slouched in the nearest chair. I faced Nott again, who was resting his head on his hand while sitting across from me. "So?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Break up with Y/n."

There was a long moment of silence. "Why would I do that?" Nott answered with not a single emotion on his face.

"You'll hurt her, I don't want to see that."

Especially not after what she said last night.

"Why?" Nott snickered, "You told her? About our parents? How'd she react?"

He's pissing me off.

"She was unbothered, actually. I didn't think she'd take it so well," I sighed, "So, break up with her."

"You're not my father, Malfoy." Nott hissed back after my demand.

I scrunched my eyebrows, "I know you don't want to see her getting hurt either, let her go and we'll all be happy, yeah?"

"What made you think she wouldn't be hurt with me breaking up with her out of nowhere?" He broke into a smirk, "You just want her all to yourself, don't you, Malfoy?"

I want to punch him so bad right now.

"You're getting on my nerves, Nott," I said in a threatening tone, getting up from the chair get getting closer to him. "You're only doing this on your father's orders. Your father never said that you can't break up with her, did he?"

Nott got up from his chair as well, he stood right there, as if he was waiting for me to come at him. We stayed that way for a whole minute. Suddenly, he broke into a laugh.

"You got me there. Yeah, I'll break up with her," he said, completely unbothered as if he did this all the time.

I turned around to leave the room. Before I turned the doorknob, I spoke again, "Do it after we get back to Hogwarts. She's happy right now."

I left the room.

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