- nineteen -

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Still Draco POV

I sighed out of relief. "Now that's over with..." I muttered to myself as I decided to walk back to the balcony, where Y/n was at. She was still sleeping peacefully, I sat back into the armchair I was in.

I stared into the sky for a minute before I heard noises coming from Y/n's direction. I glanced over, she was just waking up, stretching her arms. I looked away again, "Morning."


I woke up to the sun rising. I rubbed my eyes and started stretching. "Morning," I heard Draco's voice say softly.

I smiled sheepishly, "Morning, Draco. How'd you sleep?"

"Alright," He glanced at me, "You?"

"I slept great actually, you don't sound like you just woke up though. How long has it been?" I asked as I sat up from the armchair and turned over to look at him.

"A while, I had to... take care of something. But I figured I should come back, so here I am," He stood up and looked down at me, "Breakfast?"

"Yeah," I got up and he started leaving, I trailed behind him like his shadow. Theo and Blaise were already in the dining room by the time we arrived.

"Hey," Theo smiled as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged back, I heard Draco scoff and grabbed himself a plate of pancakes and sat down.

"Do that another time of the day, I'm tryna eat here," Blaise said as he waved his fork around. We broke off the hug and both sat down.

"What's gotten under your skin today, Blaise? You didn't sleep well or something? Nightmare?" Theo asked with a teasing tone.

While Theo and Blaise continued bickering, I saw Draco's eyes burning into Theo's skull. I waved my hand in front of Draco's. He looked at me, his eyes lingered on mine for a while before looking back down at his food and started eating again.

"You're awfully quiet this morning," I commented casually. Draco shrugs in response and our morning carried on.

We eventually decided to go roam around Diagon Alley until sunset. Naturally, I was with Theo the entire time, Blaise and Draco joined us sometimes. We didn't plan to buy anything since I assumed none of us brought any money on us.

I dragged Theo with me when I followed Draco into a Quidditch store. "Thought you said you never got the knack of Quidditch?" Draco questioned as soon as he saw me following him.

"I can still look around if I want to," I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you want, Peanut." I couldn't help but blush at that nickname I haven't heard in months. He seemed to have noticed and looked away, attempting to hide his smirk.

"I can hear your smirk from a mile away, there's no use of hiding it," I scoffed and caught a glance of Theo. He looked rather emotionless, in fact, he's been that way everytime he saw Draco today.

Draco rolled his eyes before turning around, about to head out. He lightly pushed me out the door so he could pass through. "You know me too well. Okay bye," Draco left as soon as he caught a glimpse of Blaise and ran off.

Theo smiled almost instantly, "Want to head back early? We've been through nearly every single store here."

"What about Blaise and Draco?"

He slightly glanced over to the direction they went before they got out of sight, "They'll find their way, don't worry."

"..Okay," We headed back to the Nott Estate a few hours earlier than planned. I felt rather alone, Theo didn't seem the same way as usual either. I puckered up the courage to speak up about it though. "Is something bothering you? You don't seem as happy as usual."

"I'm fine, really." Theo assured me, barely looking at me, "I'm going for a shower." And so he left me all alone in the living room.


"Good evening to you, Miss Potter," A voice suddenly said. I turned around and saw Tiberius Nott for the first time after we met nearly two weeks ago.

"Good evening sir," I replied, still shocked. Draco's words about him replayed in my head.

You should still look out. Especially the one that lives here, not even my father likes him.

I shivered at the thought. How terrible of a person could he be? If Death Eaters were already bad, how bad is he for Draco's father to dislike him?

"I can tell that you've been informed of my identity, judging by your tenseness," Tiberius said with cold eyes. "Please don't be afraid of me, I do not mean harm. I just wish for a talk before your departure."

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