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"You're dismissed."

As soon as Snape said that, Draco grabbed my hand and bolted out of the classroom. I caught a glimpse of Snape's bewildered reaction.

"Sorry!" I quickly shouted before we got too far for him to hear. Draco then quickly slowed down at the sight of Rohan leaning against the wall as if he was waiting for us.

Rohan got off the wall and walked towards us, "I know what you're here for, but I'm sorry, I can't tell you. I can only see possibilities too, anything that's done differently might completely change everything."

I sighed, "I just really want to know what happens if I do go to the Third Task. Like do I die or what?"

Rohan raised an eyebrow, "That's what you're here for? Well then, rest assured, you'll still stay alive no matter what."

Both Draco and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Great! I won't die alone," Draco said with a smile as he gave me a playful nudge.

Rohan shifted uncomfortably as he gave us a guilty look, "Actually, I do want to come clean about something."

"Hm? What is it?" I asked.

"I, um, actually set up the whole 'secret Rohan's hiding' thing with Sylas. I didn't know how else to warn you without being awkward," Rohan confessed as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I had to deal with Weasley for nothing? Fuck." Draco groaned in response.

I shrugged, "I don't mind, it's not like anyone was hurt-- Oh wait, I guess someone did get hurt."

Draco rolled his eyes as he shot me a glare, "Yeah, me. I'm still mad about how you were concerned for the binocular instead of me."

"Oh come on, can't you just, like, forget about that? You got a pretty hard head compared to that flimsy binocular."

"Erm, I guess I'll get going then? Sorry about setting you guys up, but just please try to at least hide from everyone else. I don't know who the imposter is," Rohan said in a low voice before hurrying away.

Draco's somewhat angry expression turned into worry as he looked back at me, "It's someone in the school..."

I nodded and looked at all the people walking by us, "This is going to be impossible."

"The Third Task is in two days, we don't have time to jerk out the imposter," Draco said as he held my hand and started walking, "We're gonna have to seek help from one of the Professors."

"If you're talking about Snape, I doubt he'd care."

"That's where you're wrong. Snape's my godfather," He then knocked on Snape's door.

"Come in." I took a deep breath before Draco opened the door and dragged me inside before locking the door shut again.

Snape's cold gaze narrowed at the sight of Draco, who hadn't even once looked in his direction yet. "What might you two be here for?"

"Well..." I started muttering as I glanced at Draco who is now looking at Snape.

"We need your help. There's an imposter at Hogwarts and they're out to get Y/n," Draco stated briefly.

"And you expect me to just randomly know who that imposter is in this oversized school? Don't be ridiculous, Draco," Snape grunted.

"No, but we need a hiding spot. If we can't get rid of the imposter, we can only hide."

Snape sighed, "Shouldn't you be asking your good friends, the Weasley twins, for that? I don't know any other place that you don't."

"Hey, that's a pretty good idea, the twins know practically everything. Thanks, Professor. Come on, Draco," I said quickly as I tried to drag Draco away but he wouldn't budge. I sighed as I let go and stood in the same spot I did earlier.

Draco then grinned at Snape, "You wouldn't want me to go seek Mad-Eye's help, would you?"

"I'll take care of it," Snape responded almost immediately.

"Thanks!" Draco replied happily as he took my hand and walked towards the door, "Alohamora."


Before we knew it, it was the day of the Third Task. Snape had tried his best trying to seek for a perfect hiding spot but still couldn't. I don't blame him, sometimes you just can't change the future.

Draco worried about me nearly every second he's awake, he knows I won't wind up dead. But there are things far worse than death, and I know very well I'd rather not experience them. Neither does he.

The only plan we came up with was to just go to the Third Task, but Snape will be just far enough to be able to possibly save me from whatever I'll be facing.

"I'm not ready yet..." Draco said as he brushed his thumbs on my hands, "I don't want to see you hurt."

"Draco, I'll probably be fine, I've got you and Snape, remember? Whoever the imposter is, they're definitely not stronger than a Professor," I gave him a reassuring smile.

"You're probably right," Draco said as he stood up, "Let's go then."

We headed to the Great Hall for breakfast way later than most people. Everyone was pretty worked up about the copy of the Daily Prophet in their hands. I snatched a copy out of a Hufflepuff's hands and sat down with Draco.

Harry Potter

"Disturbed and Dangerous"

I huffed as I read the article. That damned Daily Prophet reporter. I'll strangle her with my bare hands one day.

"This is some bullshit, but it's still a teasing material. I apologize in advance, Y/n." Draco then turned to where Harry was sitting and shouted, "Hey, Potter! Potter! How's your head? You feeling all right? Sure you're not going to go berserk on us?"

I snickered as I gave him a small nudge on the side. He turned to me with a smile, "Hey, I apologized in advance!"


The scene of the Third Task wasn't exactly the best. It's dark and it's hella crowded. Draco held onto my hand tightly, occasionally squeezing it to remind me that he'll protect me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place, with eighty-five points each —Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter, both of Hogwarts School!"

The cheers and applause sent birds from the Forbidden Forest fluttering into the darkening sky. "In second place, with eighty points — Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute!"

More applause.

"And in third place — Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!" 

"So . . . on my whistle, Harry and Cedric!" said Bagman."Three — two — one —" He gave a short blast into the whistle and the two hurried into the maze.

"I love how we can't see a single damn thing," I muttered.

Draco nodded, "Now we just have to wait like our lives depended on it." Before I could respond, I felt a pair of strong hands pulling me away.

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