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Draco POV

"Potter, I'll fucking kill you if you don't save Y/n," I threatened as I gripped tightly on his collar. My eyes slightly watered up as I looked right into his eyes, "Please save her."

"I... I know, Malfoy. She's my family, I'll save her," Potter said as he shifted slightly.

I let his collar go and backed away. "Thanks," I muttered as I started to walked away with my head down.

"Er, Malfoy?" Potter spoke again and I stopped walking. "Don't tell anyone I told you what the task was."

I gave the smallest nod I could and walked off. As much as I didn't want to associate with Potter, I had to for the sake of Y/n. He was probably the only one that would actually tell me what the hell the Second Task was.

It was also then that I realized that I could no longer live normally without Y/n. I felt empty basically the whole day so far, being with our friend group didn't exactly help either.

They did deserve an Outstanding for effort though. They pretty much tried eveything they could to get me to at least not seem like someone on the brink of death. Though I was quite glad that there are no classes today or else I would've ruined my perfect attendance for the year.

I glanced into the Great Hall, everyone was eating and laughing, it angered me how they could still live normally. But I soon realized that no one else cares about Y/n like I did.

I huffed and rushed outside to the scene of the Second Task. No way I could eat or laugh without knowing that Y/n is okay.

I slightly smiled at the sight of the rest of our friend group also arriving early. I swerved right in between Blaise and Nott. They exchanged looks with each other before one of them spoke.

"You alright?"

I nodded, "I'll be fine. Potter will save her." I looked into the lake. "He will."

But Potter was nowhere to be seen. The other three champions had already showed up. Even Dumbledore was looking anxious.

Then Potter came sprinting towards the judges and the other champions. All the judges seemingly scolded him for being late to something like this. The knots in my stomach got tighter. Can I really believe in him to save her?

Potter only told me what the hint for the task was and how he can't really swim that well. With me telling him that Y/n was basically kidnapped, he pieced together what the task may be.

But if he can't swim that well, how will he save Y/n? I'm sure he's got a plan, right? He's fucking Harry Potter.

And just as I thought, Potter stuffed gillyweed into his mouth and dove into the water. The crowd laughed at how stupid he looked. Normally I'd be leading it, but he's doing this to save Y/n, I can't laugh.

There was no sign of anyone for a long time and I only got more and more anxious as each second passed. Breathing started getting hard for me as all sorts of emotions overflowed me. Blaise noticed and quickly grabbed onto my arm.

"Hey," Blaise said as he started patting my back, "She'll be fine. She's got the Harry Potter coming to save her, remember?"

"Plus, do you really think Dumbledore will just let one of his own students die in a lake on Hogwarts grounds?" Nott pointed out as he took my other arm, "She'll be fine whether Potter saves her or not. It's only a matter of time."

My breathing got normal again. Never have I ever been calmed down by an idiot. I have.

"Draco, you okay?" Elmia asked she perked her head out behind Blaise. I gave her a quick nod before looking into the lake again. 


It's been nearly an hour and there was no sign of anyone. Our friends consistently checked up on me to make sure I was fine. Which, of course, I was. After hearing what Nott said. I still can't believe how I didn't think of that.

Not long after I almost got tired of waiting, splashes of water was heard and my head immediately shot towards the source. After seeing who it was, I threw my head back. Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang. 

Just how much longer do I have to wait?

As if my mind was read, Potter rose from the water with Y/n and some other random girl. My heart pounded loudly as I ran towards Y/n. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I knelt down before her and held her.

I brushed away the wet strands of her hair off her face and wiped as much water as I could off her face. Her body felt so cold and my muscles tightened. What if she's dead? What do I do? Is there a reviving spell? Is there a suicide spell? 

As my mind drowned in these thoughts, Y/n's eyes opened and she started coughing up water. 

"Fuck," She said in between her coughs and wiped her mouth, "What's happening?" She then noticed me and her gaze softened. "Are you crying?"

I turned away and quickly wiped my tears. I sniffed, "No."

She snickered, "Yeah, right. So what happened? I thought I was supposed to be in McGonagall's right now."

"Nothing," I looked at her again, "Nothing happened. You're fine now." I felt a singular tear rolling down again.

Her hand rose to wipe off the tear and she smiled warmly, "Don't cry, I'm fine now."

"Nothing to say to me?" I looked up and met the green eyes of Potter. 

I sighed and reluctantly muttered, "Thank you." He gave me a quick smile before backing off to make way for Madame Pomfrey.

"Leave her to me, Mr. Malfoy, rest assured," Madame Pomfrey said as I let Y/n go.



I watched as Draco dragged himself away from me and back to Elmia and everyone else. I don't know exactly what happened, but judging by how much people are watching, I've been kidnapped for the Second Task. 

I don't know if it's because I've been tutored by Draco for the past two years, but I've became less of a dumbass than I was before. Either that or I just had extraordinary observation skills I never noticed. 

I looked over at the other "hostages" for this Task. Granger, a random kid with blonde hair, and Cho Chang. I then saw Fleur, who was thanking Harry for saving someone named Gabrielle, probably the kid.

I scoffed at the sight of Fleur giving Harry a kiss before quickly escorting Gabrielle out of the crowd. I peered over at Draco, who was making his way over again after realizing that he didn't have to leave in the first place. 

Madame Pomfrey gave me one last check-up before giving me a quick pat on the shoulder. "You're good to go now, get a change of robes, warm up, and you'll be fine in no time."

"Thanks, " I gave her a small smile and a nod before standing up. 

Before Draco was directly in front of me, Harry came up to me and gave me a huge smile, "I wouldn't mind a Thank you."

I rolled my eyes, "Harry, I'm kind of like supposed to be mad at you for not telling me that you put your name into the goblet? Remember?"

He pouted and I started laughing, "Sorry, just wanted to mess with you. Thanks, Harry, for saving me."

"You two done yet? I need to take Y/n back inside so she doesn't catch a random uncurable disease that even I haven't heard of," Draco said impatiently. 

I rolled my eyes, "Don't you think that would've happened a while ago? But yeah, we're done."

"Let's go then." He held his hand out to me.

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