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Draco has visited really constantly, it went from once or twice every week to every other day to everyday. I enjoyed his company since Elmia and Harry would go out to hang out with the Weasley twins or something.

Sometimes the two of us would go somewhere too, sometimes the open field behind Malfoy Manor, sometimes a walk around the neighborhood, sometimes Diagon Alley. Whatever we did, we didn't stay in the same place as Harry. Most likely because Harry and Draco basically hate each other.

But today was different as Draco came over later than usual, which meant Harry and Elmia are home from their daily outing. Draco shot glares every time he catches a glimpse of Harry's short raven hair or face.

"Love how there's no tension here at all," I commented sarcastically while he was basically drilling a hole into the back of Harry's head with his eyes.

He rolled his eyes and looked at me, "How was I supposed to know that twat would be in the house right now?"

"It's not really his fault that you came at an irregular time, it's nearly time for dinner, are you going to be staying?"

"I would love to but the thought of sitting at the same table with Potter sounds horrendous," He gave me a sarcastic look.

"We can eat in our rooms, you know. My parents aren't home today because of work, no one's gonna care," I pointed out.

"Sure, okay, I'll stay since you were practically like begging me," He responded slyly, "Also, I do have something to tell you."

"And that is?"

"There's gonna be more transfers next year, three I think. I heard my father say something about Ireland I think?" Draco said, trying to recall the conversation he overheard. He gave up shortly after, "Anyway, it's probably another pureblood family because my father wouldn't care otherwise."

I raised an eyebrow, "And I need to know this because?"

He rolled his eyes, "You need to know this because if any the transfer students is a guy, you're not getting anywhere near him."

"And why's that?"

"Just do as I say."


It was time to start another year at Hogwarts again. I was once again amazed at the size of the train, but was shortly distracted by the reunion of our friend group that's been long separated. We got a bit of catching up done and started getting on the train before all the compartments filled up.

We separated ways to find an empty compartment, I opened up nearly every door so far and each had someone sitting in there. I sighed as I reached the last compartment in my area and slid open the door.

I saw three guys I've never seen before sitting right before me. Were they first years? Definitely not, they're too tall to be first years. Two of them are twins, and the other one looked slightly older than those two.

The older one had dirty blond wavy hair, hazel eyes, and has a slight side part. The twins had the same eyes, light brown wavy hair, and short side parts.

"Um... Hi?" The older one spoke, looking confused.

"Oh, sorry, I was looking for an empty compartment for my friends and I to sit in," I replied with an awkward smile.

"I see, nice to meet you, I'm--" He was then cut off by Theo who ran towards me.

"Y/n! Blaise found one, come on," Theo said enthusiatically and pulled me away by my wrist and I shot a "sorry" look at the three boys.

I was then in the compartment with everyone else and I naturally and smoothly sat next to Draco, who also just naturally and smoothly put his arm around me while he continued talking to Blaise. Well, until everyone paused at what just happened.

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