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The end of October was nearing and the talk about the Triwizard Tournament was bigger than before. I looked forward to maybe seeing a few of my friends in Beauxbatons, but I didn't have my hopes that high up as they were not old enough to do enter in the tournament in.

But who knows? Maybe one of the older students stuffed them in their suitcase. You can't never be so sure these days with the crazy things that's happening. Like who thought that Draco Malfoy was all touchy and kissy?

It's also been a bit since we've last talked to Elmia, we'd always see her hanging out with Fred or both of the twins happily. She still said hi whenever we see each other, we just don't exactly hang out alone anymore.

"Y/n!" I turned around and smiled at the sight of Elmia.

"Hey Elmy, where's Fred?" I asked as I looked around.

"Oh, he's busy with George to work on some potion? I don't know, he said it's for the Triwizard Tournament. So I'm back."

"For the Triwizard Tournament? You think it's a prank?"

She shrugged, "Not exactly sure, I don't wanna be nosy. But what about you and Draco? Are you finally dating now?"


"What? Didn't Draco spread his words about how you're his? You're not even dating?"

I shrugged, "Well, we did tell each other we have feelings for each other, but we're just not dating."

Elmia scrunched her eyebrows, "That's so stupid."

Before I could respond, I felt a hand on my shoulder, "What's so stupid?" I didn't even need to look to know it was Draco.

"You. You're so stupid." I said with an eye roll.

"Please, I'm the only one with perfect grades here. If we're talking stupid, you're the stupid one."


"You two are cute, you should date," Elmia said said with a smirk.

"No thanks," Draco and I said at the same time. Elmia started laughing and we went back to the Slytherin Common Room together. It wasn't late but there was barely anyone in the Common Room.

"Y/n, good evening," I saw Koa speak in the corner of my eye sitting across from Theo.

"Good evening Lunaris, Theo... and little Lunaris," I said as I quickly looked over to see Sylas there too.

"I already told you to just call me Sylas, way better than 'little Lunaris,'" Sylas rolled his eyes.

Theo smiled, "Hi Y/n, Yaxley, Malfoy. Wanna join? We were about to play truth or dare or something like that."

"Without drinking?" Draco blurted out.

"Draco, you're fourteen. Heck, we're all fourteen except for little Lunaris," I said in a mocking tone.

"I said don't call me--"

"Shit, I forgot," Draco awkwardly laughed.

"Don't cut me o--"

"So are you guys gonna join? We don't have classes tomorrow morning so we can do this all night," Koa said eagerly.

"Stop ignor--"

"Oh we'd love to join, don't we?" Elmia said as she tried to not laugh as Sylas's face turning more and more red out of embarrassment.


"Yeah of course, we'll join. Without drinking," I said as I shot Draco a small glare. It was quite obvious that he has drank alcohol before. Draco rolled his eyes as he followed me and Elmia to sit down on the couch.

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