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The tutoring sessions have been happening for a few weeks now. As much as I hate it, Malfoy is actually helping me. From time to time, we still finish pretty late, usually because of my stupidity but if he's not complaining, I won't either.

"We're done for the day," Malfoy said as he got up and looked at the clock. "Shit, it's midnight already?" He looks at me. I shrugged and ran out of the classroom without taking any precautions.

"Who's there!" I heard a shout from down the corridor. Shit.

I felt a hand pulling me back into the classroom and onto the wall. It was Malfoy, who's now hovering over me on the wall and looking elsewhere. His arms were blocking me from moving on both sides, I tried to protest, "What are y-" He covered my mouth.

"Shush," he whispered, looking down and meeting my eyes, "You don't want detention, do you?"

I heard footsteps outside the room, probably Filch. Soon the footsteps faded and it eventually was silent again. Malfoy sighed out of relief and let me go.

"Don't ever," Malfoy started, keeping eye contact, "Run out like that without looking around you stupid little..." His voice trailed off and it looked like he was thinking hard for a nickname for me.

"...Peanut." He finished and looked away.

"What kind of nickname is Peanut...?" I critized, but instead of responding, Malfoy opened the look and looked around and left the room. "Whatever," I followed him.


The next day was awkward, Malfoy cancelled our daily tutoring lesson and avoided me the whole day. Not that there's better for me to ask for though, I'm supposed to be avoiding him in the first place. But Malfoy was always trying to get close to me even after Harry gave up ages ago, why now?

"Maaaaybe he wants to be special," Blaise said, "You never know what's going through his head."

"That's true but still, he was like obsessed until what happened last night," I said while my eyes scattered the common room for Malfoy.

"What happened last night?" Blaise asked, confused.

"Oh, I haven't told you?" Blaise shook his head. I continued, "Well, it's... nevermind, I doubt he's going to be delighted to hear everyone talking about it."

There was a moment of silence before Blaise spoke again.

"Do you like him?"

My eyes widened and I looked at Blaise, "What? No! Why would I like that stupid highlighter looking guy?!"

"It kinda sounds like you do." Blaise said, raising one of his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.


At this point 'whatever' might become my favorite word on top of 'peanut.'

Sorry for the short chapter 😭 I just felt like ending on that would be good, I promise the next chapter will be longer 😭.

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