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We've been home for 2 days now and Zaylin thinks LayLay is his baby. He doesn't want Milan and me to touch her at all. He cries if we take her from him. He cries when she cries.

Anyway, we finally got them both to sleep. LayLay is in her crib in our room and Zaylin is on the floor lying on pillows. Don't ask us why cuz we don't know. That's where he fell asleep so we left him there.

Milan came out of the bathroom and lay down sighing. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me.

"You okay??" I asked rubbing her body

"I'm tired..." she said softly

"Let's get some sleep. When they wake up, I'll get them so you can get some rest..." I said and she nodded

We were lying down in silence and I heard her sniffing. I lifted and looked at her. She was crying. I pulled up to me and hugged her tighter. Just letting her know I was here.

After like 20 minutes, she lifted and wiped her eyes.

"What's wrong??" I asked

"I'm tired, overwhelmed, and I'm lost. I don't know what's going on with me and why I'm feeling this way..." she said with tears in her eyes

I kissed her forehead. I really didn't know what to say or know what she was going through. I didn't wanna say the wrong thing either.

"Would you like to call your mom and Melody to talk to them about what you are feeling??" I asked rubbing her hand

"Yeah..." she said nodding

I connected my phone to the baby monitor and we went downstairs. We sat on the couch and she called her Mom and Melody on FaceTime.

"Hey Sweetie..." Her mom said

"What's wrong??" Melody asked

"I'm tired..." Milan said crying as I hugged her

"She said she's tired. She feels overwhelmed and lost..." I said

"It's like I'm sleep deprived but can't sleep cuz I wanna be present for my kids. Everything is just so overwhelming. From what's going on with my body to what's going on in my life. Like it's almost too much. I know that this is my life, I took part in everything. It's just a lot and I feel like I'm at a loss..." Milan said with tears coming down her face

"It's normal for you to go through this phase when you give birth. You are dealing with an infant and a toddler so it's going to be overwhelming. But you have to make sure you are okay. You have to get your rest honey. I promise you, you're not going to miss out on anything. They are going to be there when you wake up, Zion will make sure of that. It's okay to feel the way you feeling, it's nothing wrong with it..." Melody said as Milan nodded

"How about this Baby and I will come over for the night and watch the kids for you. Just so you can get some rest..." Mona said

"I can let y'all do that, You have a child of your own..." Milan said

"He's gone on a two-day trip with his grandfather. So he's well taken care of. We'll be there later..." Melody said

"Okay..." Milan said as I wiped her eyes

They hung up and she sat her phone down. She leaned her head back and looked at me. We stared into each other's eyes as I rubbed her leg.

"Thank you..." she says softly

"Of course..." I said before she leaned in and kissed me

She pulled away and kissed me again.

"I love you..." she said

"I love you too baby..." I said hugging her
"You wanna try to take a nap while they're asleep??"

She nodded. I lifted, picked her up, and headed upstairs. I laid her down and went to get the lavender oil. I put it on her chest and neck. I put it back in the drawer cuz Zaylin will have it.

I got in bed and pulled her closer to me. We laid there for a while and I heard her drift off to sleep through her breathing.


I woke up to LayLay whimpering. I got up to see about her then Milan and Zaylin started squirming. I quickly picked her up and took her downstairs. Milan had been breast pumping so it was some already in here. I poured the bottle, and put the bottle in some warm water, to let it get a lil warm cuz it was too cold. Once it got to the temperature I wanted, I sat on the couch and started feeding her. She was looking at me as she ate. She looked so much like Milan, it was crazy.

She was done eating and I started burping her. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up to see Milan coming down with Zaylin on her hip. She sat on the couch and he laid his head on her chest still half asleep.

"How are you feeling??" I asked her

"A lil better..." she said before yawning

I nodded and continued burping her. She burped and spit up a bit. I cleaned her mouth and changed her diaper. I laid her LayLay on my chest, and Zaylin crawled onto my lap and laid across my lap. I pulled Milan closer and her head fell in my neck.

Moments like this make me so grateful for the amazing family I have. I would do anything for them. I love that they can count on me whenever there's something wrong. That they know that they are safe with me.


The End

Question: Bonus Chapter??

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