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Melody had ask me to leave. At first I wasn't having it, but she told me that Milan didn't wanna be around me and that I shouldn't force it. The more I thought about what she said, the more I realized she was right. I can't force myself on her. I shouldn't force myself to stay if I'm not wanted. So I left. I was still going to call and check on her, but I'll only go to the hospital if I'm needed.

After leaving, I went straight home. I took a long shower, got out, and put a tee and some briefs. I moisturized myself and my locs. I wrapped my hair up and went to the kitchen. I decided to cook instead of eating out like I've been doing. I decided on a buffalo chicken wrap. It didn't take long to cook and once I was done, my phone started ringing. I looked at it and it was Mona.

"Hello..." I answered sitting down with my food and drink

"Hey..." she said

"Hey, is everything okay??"I asked

"Yeah, I just wanted to call and check up on you. I know you didn't wanna leave here..." she said

"Yeah, I didn't. But I have to give her time and space. She wanted me away so I'll do that. I know I fucked up and I gotta deal with the consequences of my actions..." I said

"I like the fact that your are taking accountability. It takes a lot for a person to admit that they are wrong..." Mona said

"Well I was wrong and I'm owning up to it. But just because I'm not there, you can still call if you need anything..." I said

"Thank you Zion for all you've done..." she said

"Of course..." I said

We talked for a few before we hung up. I cut on the tv and started eating. When I was almost done with my food, it was a knock on my door. I put my food down and went to the door. I looked through the peephole and seen Cameron. I opened the door and she came in.

"I left my key..." she said making me chuckle and shake my head

"Like always..." I said sitting back on the couch

"I was expecting to see you at the hospital when we was just there..." she said sitting beside me

"Milan didn't want me around me so Melody to me it was best if I left. I didn't wanna force it, cuz she done had enough of that. I'm giving her time. If she wanna talk to me again, amazing. But if she don't, I respect that..." I said biting into my last wrap

I lifted it towards Cameron and she took half of it. She bit it and gave me a thumbs up and I laughed.

"So what you going to do now??" She asked

"Continue working and do what I been doing. But of course, I'll still check on her and make sure she's okay..." I said

"It's crazy how things played out with y'all..." she said

"And it was all my fault..." I said

"Some of it. Him putting his hand on her isn't on you..." she said

"But I left her there, no security, and unprotected..." I said

"Yeah, but what she went through with him wasn't your fault at all..." she said

"I just feel like I should've been there maybe things would've went differently..." I said

"Zion don't stress yourself or blame yourself for the shit he did to her. It happened and you did all that you could and I'm sure they appreciate all you've done. All you could do is wait it out and see where things go..." she said

"You right..." I said nodding

We ended up watching a movie and her ass fell asleep on the couch. After the movie, I threw a blanket on the hoe and started watching another movie. During that movie I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to tapping. I opened my eyes and looked up. To see Cameron standing over me.

"Go get in bed. I'm bout to go and I'll lock the door..." she said

"Okay..." I said turned around on the couch

"Zion go get in the bed..." she said

"Okay Cameron..." I said

"Now..." she said

I smacked my lips and got up.

"Get out..." I said heading to my room

"Love you too Hoe. See ya later..." she said before I heard the door close and lock

I went into my room, took of my shirt, and got in bed. I pulled my cover over me when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it off my night stand and it came on. It was Terry, telling me to call him when I had a chance. I pulled up my call log and called him.

"Hello..." he said

"Wassup..." I answered

"Hey, you told me to keep you updated on Milan's case..." he said

"Yeah, did y'all get something??" I asked

"We just left her apartment and we got fingerprints and stuff. Some of that blood on the ground wasn't even hers, so we sampled that. We seen some pregnancy papers that we can use for fingerprints. But the only thing we need is the results. If we can do a rape kit on her it'll give us our guy. I know you said you knew, but we gotta have enough evidence that can point this on him..." he said

"Will he be arrested in this county or in the city where he did it in??" I asked

"The city, but I'll tryna get him here. From his records, he always get off in the city. No matter what he did, he got off..." he said

"Well we don't need that..." I said

"When she get out, she should live with you. That is until we see what they are going to do with him..." he said

"The way things are going between us, I don't believe that is an option..." I said

"I can see what I can do. I'll call you if we get anything..." he said

"Alright, thanks for the update..." I said before we hung up

I took a deep breath, grabbed my police computer, and look up his files. I read through his reports and arrests. There's no way this Nigga should be out walking freely like he is.

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