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Milan was still out all day yesterday. They said she was waking up soon tho. Titus was in the same hospital and it's taking everything in me not to do something stupid.

Melody and Mona has been by Milan's side since she made it to the hospital. I decided to stay with Milan so they could go get themselves together. Get some rest, eat, and spend time together.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at Milan. I grabbed her hand and rubbed over it with my thumb. I looked up at her.

"Well I don't if you can hear me or not, but I wanna tell you how things are going. Your mom is worried about but she knows you're going do great. Melody is ready for her gender reveal, she's been talking about it since she seen her invitation. They're very excited about the baby and ready for you to get better. All your friends are ready for you to get better. I'm ready for you to get better..."
"I know I apology whenever I'm alone with you but I'm going to continue to apologizing. I shouldn't have done you like that. No matter how bad my trust issues are or how I am. Doing that to you was never okay..." I said looking down at our hands

I felt a squeeze. I looked up and her eyes were opened. She was looking up at me.

"Hey..." I said smiling

She squeezed my hand again. My smile widened as I continued rubbing her hand. She tried saying some but it was horse.

"You need water??" I asked

She gave me a lil nodded.

I push the button on the remote. Within mins a nurse came in.

"Can we get her some water??" I asked them

"Yes, right away Ma'am..." she said before walking out

She didn't take long to bring her the water. I grabbed it and brung it to her mouth. She drink half of the bottle before she pulled away. I gave her lil more before closing it back up and sitting it down. I look at her.

"I should call your Mom and tell her you awake..." I said going to grabbed my phone but she touched my hand

"Not yet..." she said softly

I moved back and looked at her.

"Thank you..." she said

"You're welcome..." I said giving her a smile
"And I want to apologize about everything. For not believing you, not being there for you when you needed me the most, for treating you how I did, and mainly being in denial about the baby. It was stupid, I was stupid. I hate that I wasn't there. I hate that you had to go through this to make me realize that you was being truthful with me this whole time. And how much I truly care about you. I know fucked up and you may not forgive me but I'm truly sorry..."

She was looking in my eyes the whole time. She looked at me for a few minutes before speaking.

"I want to believe you, but I can't get past the way you did me. I never once told you a lie and yet you didn't believe me. You hurt me so much that I'm scared to trust you on that level again. It's going to take time for me to even see you in the light I did before all of this. I really appreciate you for helping me and making sure I'm okay, but you can leave now..." she said looking at me

I nodded letting her know I understood where she was coming from.

I stood up and grabbed my things.

"I'm going to call your Mom and tell her you're awake. And I'm only leaving your room but I'm not leaving this hospital..." I said before opening the door

I looked back at her.

"I'll be in the waiting room if you need me..." I said before walking out and closing the door behind me

I stood at the door as doctors went into her room. I pulled up Mona's number and called her. She quickly answered.

"What's wrong??" She said

"Everything is fine. But Milan is awake..." I said

"OH MY GOD!! I'm on the way..." she says before hanging up

I looked at the door and watched them check her. They took the tubes out her nose cuz she could breathe on her own. I was happy of all the progress she was making.

Within minutes Mona and Melody were running in. They stepped to the door and seen the doctors.

"They checking to see if she's okay. They took the tubes out her nose cuz she can now breathe on her own..." I said filling them in on what was going on

After like 15 minutes, the doctors walked out and they started walking in.

"You not coming??" Mona asked as they looking at me

"She doesn't want me in there but I'll be in the waiting room if y'all need anything..." I said walking to the waiting room and sitting down

I wasn't going to call anybody else until Mona or Milan wants me to.

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