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It been 3 days since everything. Zion was getting out the hospital today. Surgery went great and she's recovering great.

She had me get on the bed with her so she could annoy me. I been helping her out her clothes for 2 minutes and I'm ready to knock her upside the head.

"Zion please..." I said laughing a lil

I gently pushed her off me.

"Oh you gone push me..." she said

"I'm tryna help you out your clothes and you tryna take mine off..." I said looking at her

"I'm just tryna see..." she said

"See what??"
"Cuz we not having sex..." I said

She looked at me and pouted.

"Zion you just had surgery 2 days ago. You're not close to healed..." I said

"We haven't had intercourse since we've been here..." she said and finally cooperating with me

"On purpose..." I said and she gave me a confused look

"What you mean "on purpose??" She asked

"I told you we have too much sex. I was gone break it to you the day after the party..." I said

"So, you had already made your mind up??" She asked

"You can say that..." I said while nodding

I poked her lips out to the side while nodding.

"Don't be mad baby..." I said

"I'm not mad. It just blows me that you didn't run it by me or even discuss it with me so I could prepare myself for it..." she said

"I don't wanna have sex for a while. This is my decision. Why do I need to run that by you??" I asked

"Cuz I'm the person you have sex with. Not saying I don't respect your wishes with no having sex. But at least you could've gave me a heads up so I could've fully confirmed it and got myself together..." she said

"Last time I checked, I thought this was my body and I can do whatever I want with it without anybody making a decision for me..." I said pointing to my body

"Yes it's your body. And I'm not tryna make that decision for you. I'm just saying I could've gotten a heads up cuz obviously you been thinking on it for a while..." she said

"Well I'm sorry for not giving you a "heads up" and not "running it by you..." I said doing air quotes

"Okay Milan..." she said shaking her head walking away from me

I let out a sigh and sat in the chair beside the bed. She said on the other side of the bed and was in her phone. Like 10 minutes later, I seen mom and Terry coming past the window. They knocked on the door.

"Come in..." Zion said

Mom stepped in and stepped back out. Zion looked at her confused, but I knew she felt it.

"It's thick tension..." she said looking at us
"Are y'all arguing??"

Neither one of us said anything.

"What are y'all arguing about??" Terry asked

"Nothing serious..." I said

"Yeah, nun serious to her..." Zion said

"Our relationship must be build and work off sex??" I asked

"No, it's not..." she said

"Then why is it so hard to let it go for a few weeks??" I asked

"Cuz I wasn't prepared Milan..." she said looking at me

"Maybe if you keep your dick in your pants..." I said

"Woah..." Mom said

"You won't let me..." she said

"Well this time I'll let you..." I said rolling my eyes

She chuckled and shook her head.

I looked at mom.

"When are we leaving??" I asked

"The hospital or from this city??" She asked

"I know we can't leave until after court. I'm talk bout the hospital..." I said

"Whenever Zion get her release forms..." she said

I got up and left out the room. I walked down the hall where the snack machine was. I used Apple Pay to get me hot fries, m&ms, and a some to drink. I was bout to walk off, but I decided to get Zion something even tho I'm irritated with her. I went back to the room to see mom and Terry sitting in both of the chairs.

I was bout to be petty and sit on the floor but I knew my ass was gone be hurting. So, I sat on the bed. Placed the things I bought for her beside her.

"Thanks..." she said and I hummed in response

We started eating our things waiting around for the doctor to release Zion. We waited for like 45 minutes before they released her. She got what she needed and we left. We had to stop by the pharmacy to get her pain medicine, bandages, and things to put on her wounds. Once we did that we went to the hotel. Mom ended up being on the 10th floor with us and Terry was on the 9th floor. We got to the room and I headed straight for the shower. I cut the water to the temperature I needed it and started stripping. I cut the light off and got into the shower. I let the water run down my body as my eyes closed. I turned around and I seen Zion's shadow through the shower curtains.

"What is it Zion??" I asked

"Can I join??" She asked

"You can't get your bandages and stuff wet..." I said

"I can take the bandages off and clean it with the soap they gave me. I need to change them anyways cuz I had these on since last
night..." she said

I opened up the curtain and looked at her. She looked up at me.

"Come on..." I said

"I need help..." she said

I stepped out the shower and helped her removed her clothes. I took her bandages off, she grabbed her things, and we got in the shower. I let her get in front of the water. This her first time since the accident to get in the shower. I was just giving her quick wash ups at the hospital.

Anyways she was under shower with her eyes close just enjoying the hot water on her body. I grabbed the towel put some of the soap they gave her on it. I started bathing her backside cuz she was still turned to the front.

"Turn around..." I said once I was done

She turned around and I started cleaning her front side. Then, I washed her face with her face towel. I grabbed the soft towel that the doctor gave, then gently started going around her wounds to clean them. I bathe her one more time before she rinsed off. Once she rinsed off, we stepped out. I wrapped a big towel around her.

"I'll be out in a minute..." I said

She walked out and I got back in the shower. I put all her towels on the top rack. I let the water run over me a bit, I grabbed my body wash poured it on my towel, and started bathing. I went over myself twice, I rinsed off, washed my face with my face towel. I rinsed out all the towels, put them on the racks, then I got out. I wrapped a big towel around me and headed out the bathroom. I went into the room and she was sitting on the bed watching tv. I grabbed her bag we got from the pharmacy and went to where she was. She slid the the bottom of the bed and I stood between her legs. I started putting on the stuff that supposed to be on it. Then, I opened the bandages and put them over her wounds. Once I was done, I put the stuff up, grabbed the trash, and threw it all away.

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