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Once I left Zion's I went home. I showered and I called Titus.

"Wassup..." he said answering the phone

"Your girl Milan is back in town..." I said

"When she came back??" He asked

"I don't know but I seen her last night. She was at the club with some stud. They were hugged up and kissing..." I said

"So the bitch left all this time and came back to kissing and hugging on a dyke..." he said

"Yeah, that's what happened..." I said

"Mmmm, I'll be back tomar..." He said

"You coming to see me??" I asked softly

"You know I am baby. You know I can't get enough of you. Might come to your soon as I touch down..." he said

"Mmm, you missed me that much??" I asked him

"I miss that thing you do with your mouth..." he said making me laugh

"You so silly..." I said

"But forreal I'm coming tomar. I'm bout to go cuz I got business to handle. I'll call you back tonight..." he said

"Alright baby..." I said before we hung up

*Next Day

I was sitting on the couch waiting on UberEats. My phone dinged to tell me they arrived. The doorbell rung, I got up and danced my way to the door. I opened the door to receive my food. Titus was standing there with my food.

"What you doing??" I asked going in to snatch my food

He brung it back and walked in which pushed me back. He closed the door while still looking at me.

"Titus can you just give me my food and
leave??" I asked looking at him

"So you wasn't gone tell me you was back??" He asked

"Last time I checked, you ain't my man. I don't have to tell you my whereabouts..." I said

He sat the food down and walked to me.

"Who the fuck you talking to??" He asked as I backed back

"Titus please not today..." I said before he grabbed my neck

"You just left without telling me anything. I came here knocking on the door a week straight and you ain't say shit..." he said squeezing my neck harder

"I'm sorry I just needed time to myself. No one knew even knew where I was..." I said holding his arm

His hand was squeezing tighter and tighter. Tears were in my eyes and it felt like all the oxygen was leaving my body.

"Please..." I manage to get out

He didn't let go, he keep talking.

"Then I heard you hugged up and kissing on some stud. When you started liking dyke bitches Milan??" Tears started rolling down my face and I couldn't even breathe

"When did you started liking bitches??" he asked before he let go of my neck and back handed me

He backhanded me so hard I fell to the floor. I was now crying. He grabbed my neck and made me look at him.

"ANSWER MY QUESTION!!" He yelled in my face

"I was drunk. I'm sorry Titus please!!" I beg as I dug my nails into his arm

He raised his hands up and lifted my legs and kicked him in his dick as hard as I could. He let go, I got up and search for my keys but they were in my room. I ran to get them and when I was running out the room, he was getting up so I closed my door and locked it. The chair I had in my room, I put it under the knob, and went into the bathroom. I closed and locked the bathroom door too.

I heard him twisting the door knob.

"MILAN OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!!" He yelled banging on the door

I was sitting on the toilet crying.

I wish I had someone to call. The police here wasn't a good idea. He knows the whole police force in our county. He won't be took to jail or nothing.

He beat on the door and yelled to get in for about 5 minutes before he seen he wasn't getting in. I still crying my eyes out. After like 30 minutes, I got up and got in the shower. I let the water run over my body.

I can't believe my life has came to this. Just 2 months ago life was going good. I was happy, I was complete, and I had everything I wanted. Now life is just whooping my ass. The woman I love stopped talking to me, denied our baby, and now with somebody I dislike. I'm now getting beat on by a mf I'm not even with. I'm ova it.

After a hour, I finally got out the shower, dried off, and put my robe on. The whole time I was in the bathroom I was avoiding the mirror. I knew I had a black eye cuz my eye had been throbbing.
I unlocked the bathroom door and went into the room. I grabbed my phone off the bed. It came on and I seen Lani had called my phone 5 times. I clicked her name and called her back.

"Hello..." she answered in the second ring

"Hey..." I said

"I've been calling you..." she says

"I know, I just seen it. My bad..." I said

"You good. I was calling to ask did you wanna go out tonight??" She said

"Not tonight girl. I think imma just stay in the house and chill tonight..." I said

"Okay I gotchu..." she said

We talked for a bit more before we hung up. I was hungry and wanted to out to the kitchen to find something to eat. I just didn't know if Titus was gone or not.

It took me 20 minutes to finally moved the chair and opened the door. I stood at the door for a minute before I walked out. I looked in the front and it was no sign of him. I softly made my way to the guest room and it was clear. It was clear in the bathroom too.

I let out a breath as I walked out the guest room. I went to the front door to lock it. Soon as I locked it the door knob twisted. Then, it twisted again.

"Shit..." I heard Titus say on the other side of the door

I was just standing there trying not to make a sound. I kept knocking but I just stood there.

"Shit man..." he said

It was a few minutes before I moved to look through the peephole. He was standing in front of the door on his phone. He had flowers and a drink in one hand. And I guess a bag with food in other hand. He put the phone to his ear.

"Wassup baby..." he said
"You busy??"
"I'm ready to come see you so you can do that thing with your mouth..."
"I'm on the way and I got gifts for you..."
"Alright on the way..."

He walked off.

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