Typhoon Effect -81-

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You groaned, twitching your leg. Your legs were all itchy and gross from being undercover for however long you had been standing there. The straw hat was so itchy, how did Wu wear one of these 24/7? This was the location they were planning to pick up, right?

Based on the fact 3 black trucks zoomed into view, you had a feeling the intel was correct.

Someone who looked vaguely familiar walked out, she had spiked red hair, and red goggles on her head. Her face was familiar though, but you weren't sure where you had seen it before.

She suddenly used one of the flamethrowers attached to her wrists on her goons. "Why'd they wanna meet way out here anyways? We're in the middle of nowhereeeeee!"

Damn, she had an attitude, but you knew that voice and attitude.

"Probably so those nosy-ninja don't find us." The goon had predicted wrong then, the 'Nosy-Ninja' had definitely found them.

Lloyd smirked, ripping his hat and cloak off, "Seems a bit too late for that." He spun his sword around, showing off a bit. Dramatic much.

You just tossed the hat on the ground, pulling out your sword. "I get the shower first!" Better call it early rather than never.

The girl with the red mohawk squealed, jumping around. "Oh wow! I've been waiting for this! I've worked so hard to make it to the top. And it's actually happening! Oh wait, wait, wait, I had a line for this.." She cleared her throat, almost choking in the process, "I've got a warm welcome planned!"

And then it clicked. You chuckled, easily dodging her fire she shot at you, "Erin? Erin Mattson? Is that you? Do you remember me? We had workshop together in middle school."

She frowned, "I'm not sure who this 'Erin' is, but I'm Miss Demeanor!"

"Ok Mrs DeWiener. But you seriously don't remember me? Dang." You slid under her fire again, grabbing your sword out in the process.

With a groan she waved some of the thugs to the trucks. "Okay, fine! I remember you. Mr. Davis' class in 7th grade. Now can we get back to the fight?"

You shrugged, as 4 goons surrounded you, Lloyd, Kai and Jay.

Jay kicked a guy backwards into the wheel of a truck, "I don't get it. Why do we fight common thugs so often?"

Miss Demeanor drove off atop a truck, but the second line of defense was just on its way. Cole revved his engine as he got into the trucks' way.

2 trucks went ahead, leaving Demeanor in the back. Easily, Cole used his bike's canons and shot the 2 trucks off of the road, and onto their sides.

Unfortunately, Demeanor's flamethrowers caused his engine to catch fire and he had to bail on this Rock-Cycle before he got run over.

"Nice try Ninja!"

Lloyd scoffed, pressing up to his ear. "Nya, Zane, the last truck is heading your way. Cut them off. We'll catch up."

The small group started sprinting, making short distance of the black truck.

"Nya! Need a little water-power!" Lloyd yelled, panting, "Zane, get ready. As soon as Nya douses the truck, flash-freeze everything!

They both agreed, leaping down.

Nya lifted her hands, summoning a spinning tornado around her, and then shot it towards the truck. Instead of crashing into it, the water  dodged the truck, and began spiraling out of control. Fuck.

Lloyd pressed his ear again, "Drop it on the truck!"

"I'm trying! It's not obeying!" Double fuck.

Demeanor began spouting insults as Zane
dove into Nya, pushing them both out of the

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