Brighter than many may see -3-

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You sighed, your legs aching from hours of walking. You had fallen slightly behind Lloyd and Garmadon causing you to have to catch up every so often.

"I swear, that's the right answer, -28" Lloyd begged as he was doing  brain teasers with his father.

Garmadon sighed, "son, the answer is the letter E how on my father's name did you get negative 28?"

Lloyd shrugged, "Darkley's was a bad school, and it's not like anyone liked me there enough to tutor me."

You frowned before speaking up, "eh at least you went to a school, I got homeschooled my whole life." 

Garmadon suddenly stopped walking, "Y/n, we should train you and this clearing looks perfect." He walked over onto the rocky landscape and you followed behind.

He grabbed a large stone from nearby and placed it down. "Y/n, I want you to break this stone with your mind."

Your face must've looked confused because Garmadon just shrugged. "Now I  need to help my son with some stuff, I will be back once you break that."

You stood there confused, how were you supposed to break that with your mind, you barley even knew you had super powers until now. You did the hand motions you had seen the other Ninja do, but to no prevail. 

Sitting down, you groaned staring at the rock. How were prophecies supposed to help in a Ninja team? You reached out for the rock and suddenly your hand felt tingly. You gasped before it suddenly disappeared.  

Grabbing onto a nearby tree you stood up and tried again, the tingly feeling came back and suddenly you were overwhelmed with a feeling. You started to feel every small particle inside the rock from salt to sandstone.  Unsure what you were quite doing you could just feel your mind weaving through the rocks before you started pulling one side from the other.

It took a lot of will power and gave you a headache but eventually you felt satisfied and you let your hand down. A moment later the rock cracked into 2 halves. "Holy frick I  actually did that." You said breathing heavily.  You walked over to the edge of the platform you were on when you realized Lloyd and Garmadon we're just literally in a ravine.

"-why can't we go back?" Lloyd questioned from underneath a pile of rocks, you had no idea how he was able to carry that much weight but you shrugged it off while sitting down. 

Garmadon picked up a huge rock from ontop of his platform, "Essentially? Until the Overlord is full erased from the system, we must not go back, but forward." He then threw the rock ontop of Lloyd's pile causing it to all collapse ontop of him.

"If you can't move mountains, I guess we have to move over mountains." 

Lloyd quickly spun the rocks off of himself, "Oh yeah?"

Garmadon nodded before looking over to you, "good job Y/n, you did good, perhaps later, I'll get Lloyd to teach you spinjitzu. Now this mountain looks particularly steep." He pointed behind you to a tall slope and dangerously balanced rocks. That looked like so much fun, you had to bite your tongue from sarcastically saying.


You stared at the broken rope bridge. How were you supposed to get over now?

"Hey who needs bridges when you can manifest a Golden Dragon-" Lloyd began saying before being interrupted.

"You rely too much on your Golden Power. Let this be a lesson. Center yourself, and move the mountain with your mind Lloyd.

Lloyd looked concerned, "Move that? Are you kidding?" He walked away from the edge in frustration.

Garmadon followed behind him, "Find your balance, concentrate."

Lloyd lifted his hand up and you could see the mountain across the bridge start to collapse it's self before Lloyd brought it over to make a bridge. He was doing well before it suddenly exploded making you all stumble.

You fell down and felt your cheek, it had a small slide from a rock and a dab of blood was coming out. You sighed before wiping it off on your sleeve.

"This is pointless." He jumped up and formed his Golden Dragon. It flew up and started shooting something out of its mouth. It solidified and became a translucent golden bridge over to the other side. "I'm not the First Spinjitzu Master, and I never wanted to be. I'm the Golden Ninja." 

We started over the bridge as Garmadon rubbed it nose bridge, "I know, I was once like this too." He muttered.

The group climbed over more rocks and through more gaps before making it to the summit of the mountain.

Garmadon looked over to you, "Y/n, you stay back here, work on your powers more. Lloyd and I will climb up.

You sat down with your legs dangling off the edge. You started practicing your power on nearby rocks and you got to thinking, this power had almost nothing to do with prophecys, it was kind of dumb to be called the Master of Prophecy.

The sun was beaming heavily on you so you moved closer into the shadow on the mountain. You glanced up and saw Zane's Falcon flying overhead. You tilted your head in concern as the mountain suddenly shook. Next to you a staircase formed from inside the mountain and you started to walk up it. 

Getting to a corner, out of breath, you smiled at Lloyd and Garmadon as the falcon stopped infront of the group and it's eyes turned blue.

"Hey the Ninja have sent a message." Lloyd said crouching down to turn on the projection. 

Nya appeared as a hologram standing on the step, "Lloyd, we've got some bad news. We had a run-in with a mysterious someone, who found a new way to power the Nindroids." 

"And he turned Sensei Wu evil as well. He had a black beard, a black beard!" Jay cried now appearing.

Then Nya popped up again, "We have a suspicion that this person may have stolen the hard drive containing the Overlord, and had reawakened him."

Now it was Kai's turn to pop up, couldn't 1 person just say all of this? "And now that the hard drive has gone missing, we can't reboot the system. Our Techno Blades are useless."

"But the stranger left a clue, a white scale. That's right, we think it may be Serpentine. We're headed to New Ninjago City to get to the bottom of this, but thought you should know so you can keep your distance. Hope you're faring better than we are. We'll stay in contact if we learn anything new. Over and out."

The hologram shrunk back into the falcons eyes before it returned back to it's normal yellow color.

"Serpentine?" You heard Lloyd question from next to you.

Garmadon sighed, "We must not go back, but forward," he pointed off the mountain, "Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found. We must not rest." 

Lloyd nodded, "Ok, let's get lost." 

They started walking down before you spoke up, "If people who go in are never found, why are we going in?"

They both looked at you, "training." They said simultaneously. You sighed before following behind, you were all for developing magic powers but did it have to be everyday all the time?

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