That feeling of dread -11-

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That night, you experienced a vision while dreaming.

It was only short and you barley remembered it but you could recall Zane's Falcon, surrounded by snow and saying for Zane to 'wake up.'

You shot up, looking around. Remembering you were on Chen's Island, caused you to fall back onto your bed.

Getting up and stretching, you yawned before walking into the bathroom and splashing your face with cool water. This place was making you all go crazy. Rubbing a fresh towel to dry, you sighed.

Then you heard a knock at the door. You grabbed your belt and other accessories before rushing to the door, "Do you need anythi-"

Lloyd was stood there smiling down at you, "Uh- Oh hey Y/n, breakfast is starting and I realized you had slept in. You alright?"

You nodded, "Just lack of sleep, you said breakfast though? Maybe they'll have coffee or something." On cue, you yawned.

He laughed before reaching around your shoulders and pulling you along and back down to the cafeteria.

You sloppily grabbed a tray before sleepily moving along the line. "NEXT" The monk in a cafeteria worker yelled at Garmadon.

"Nuh uh. Nothing for you." 

Garmadon sighed, "There's a valuable lesson here, son. If you turn your back on your first evil sensei in an effort to go straight, you may not be served creamy biscuits."

You laughed walking forward before creamy biscuits were placed in your tray.

Lloyd grumbled, "Well, I know what we are being served. A whole bunch of baloney. This tournament isn't about fighting, it's an alibi for Chen to steal everyone's powers. But we still don't know why. 

Stepping to the side, you continued to listen to everyone else.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kai questioned, " Chen wants to destroy Ninjago City. I don't know what it is, but that place has had s bad string of luck.

You and Lloyd both walked to the back where Garmadon was standing.

Yawning again, you jokingly leaned your head on Lloyd's shoulder. He chuckled, "Maybe you should've stayed back from the secret passage ways yesterday."

You smiled, "Mmmm maybe.."

Cole and Jay started walking over to you all. "-taking a day off? And here ai thought Ninja never quit-" you could overhear part of their conversation, but it sounded like they were about to fight again.

"Oh yeah talking about days off.." Lloyd started, suddenly jerking away, "I didn't see your name on the bracket, do you have any idea what it means?"

You pursed your lips while shaking your head, "I honestly hope it just means I don't have to fight, I don't think I could win right now."

The group walked over to the same table as last night and sat down. 

Garmadon was saying something about Jay and Cole to Lloyd, but a gong sounded and then Chen's voice came over the PA.

"The Tournament of Elements continues. Fun time! Would the following masters please make their way  to their assigned arena? Speed, Gravity, Smoke, Nature, Mind,  oh and last, but hopefully not!"

Kai gasped alongside the rest of the team.

"But remember..only one can remain."

Everyone in the room quickly finished up their plates and you walked outside. 


After climbing up a long, spindling staircase, you made it to the top of a cliff where a Sakura tree stood.

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