Wu gets a bit silly -45-

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You shot up. You were in your bed, who yelled?

Walking out of your room, it seemed like everyone else had gotten up to check if Pixal was alright. Oh. Pixal.

Entering her room, Nya walked over to her, "Are you alright?"

She nodded, "I am fine. I was dreaming about the moment he- he.."

Nya placed her hand on her shoulder, "Hey, hey, it's okay. I know."

Pixal was staring at a picture frame in her hands. Zane. "I find it difficult to accept that he is gone."

You nodded, looking to Lloyd. He looked spaced out, and silent. Sliding his hand into your's, he snapped back, looking at you. "I miss him.."

"We all do." Jay agreed, his posture slouching, "It- it just doesn't feel real."

Pixal nodded. "Thank you all. I am feeling better now."

Everyone started to walk out when Wu ran through the door. "Zane's alive!"


Everyone started asking questions, causing Wu to shush them. "Quiet, all of you. Listen. I spoke to Aspheera at Kryptarium Prison. She didn't destroy Zane. She banished him to a distant realm."

Kai scoffed, "Well what are we waiting for? We gotta go after him!"

"Yeah, what realm?" Cole asked, punching his fists together.

It made sense now. "The Never-Realm." You muttered, staring at Wu. "I- I don't know what it is- but- but I heard it in a dream."

He looked slightly shocked before nodding. "There are few who have heard of it." He then walked out of Pixal's room, rushing down the hall.

"Master?!" Lloyd yelled, as the group ran after him, "What is the Never-Realm?!"

"According to legend, it is the most distant and remote of all realms. My father only spoke of it to me once...in warning." Wu paused, causing everyone to crash into each other. "He told me of all the realms of creation, it was the one I should never visit. He told me it was a cold and dangerous place. He forbade it."

Jay ran up beside Wu, "Uh..Forbade as in absolutely never ever?"

Cole walked up as well, frowning, "What's wrong with it?"

He shook his head. "I don't know. My father only went once, and said he nearly couldn't find his way home. He said it was unlike the other realms. He warned me that others would not be as fortunate."

Wu slid open the doors to his room, gathering his stuff.

Groaning, Jay followed him in, "Well that's just great. Creepy and vague."

"I will use Aspheera's staff to find Zane. It banished him there. It will work for me, too. Once I have found him, I will use the Traveller's Tea to bring us both home."

Lloyd frowned. "You mean all 8 of us. Because we're going with you of course."

He shook his head, slamming the chest holding the Tea down on his table. "Absolutely not. I cannot allow it. What happened to him is my fault, and my fault alone. It is my responsibility."

Kai scrunched his nose, "There is no way we're sitting this one out."

"Zane is family, we're going as well-"

"ENOUGH!" Wu yelled, cutting you off. "I will risk no other lives. My foolishness has already caused enough damage. My decision is final."

Everyone glanced at each other, concerned. That was when Lloyd smirked. "Okay. We understand, Master. But this feels a little rushed. Maybe you should just, you know, sleep on it? For a night. To come up with a game plan." Now it made sense what Lloyd was doing.

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