A fridgid climb -49-

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Cole shot up screaming, as you spat out your homemade mouthwash.

It had been almost a whole day since your Dream Vision, and with the help of Sorla, you concluded that you had started sleepwalking. It made more sense why you were shivering now. You had been chatting to Jay in the boys cabin while waiting for everyone else to wake up. (Nya was chatting with Sorla so you couldn't really talk to her.)

"Cole? Hey- hey, it's okay.." Jay tried to comfort him, his recently cleaned toothbrush in his hand.

Cole's brow furred, standing up to face Jay. "You! I can't believe you did that! You made me go back to the Bounty for the Traveller's Tea and t fell off a cliff."

Pulling himself to the end of the bed, Kai groaned, glancing under his top bunk down at Cole. "Relax, I'm sure it was just a nightmare."

He rolled his eyes, "What if it wasn't a nightmare? What if it was a vision like Y/N's? Oh! And you! Don't even get me started on you, Kai. You were even worse. You said I let you down."

Everyone just looked at him, unsure of what to say. Only other person who ever had visions seemed to be Zane, and that was probably because of his freaky power source.

"Well it was a mistake! Okay?" Cole yelled, obviously still upset.

You frowned, walking closer to the group. "Cole. It's okay, nobody is mad at you. We all make mistakes. And visions don't show the past, I think it's just a nightmare."

He held his shoulder pad up to you, before attaching it into the sleeve of his Gi. "Well that's not what you said in my dream."

He stomped off, leaving the cabin.

Kai groaned, slinking back onto his bed. "Too early..for this.." he mumbled, pulling the blanket back over himself.

Jay sighed, placing his toothbrush by the sink. "Maybe we should go after him?"

Shaking his head, Kai shut his eyes, "He'll calm down."

You nodded before picking up a spear Cole knocked down, propping it against the wall, opening the door to leave.

Walking out, you sighed, sliding through a frozen canal. You were technically having the same problem as Nya, not being able to control the snow even if it just was frozen H20, but there were other elements here as well so it didn't matter much.

Over by Sorla's hut, Cole opened the door, but immediately slammed it shut again, was he okay? He kicked a rock before disappearing behind another house. Hopefully he was okay.

You groaned, bored. Your rib had healed perfectly and now you felt restless all over again, stuck.

If only Lloyd had let you go with him.

Cole suddenly ran up to you, grabbing your arm, tugging you to the side of the town. "Y/n. Do you wanna climb a mountain?"

Tilting your head, you glanced around confused, "Why? I mean maybe, but is there a reason?"

He nodded. "We're finding a way home."


Mountain climbing was definitely a good way to stop the restless feeling. Hopping from rock to rock, with the breeze felt nice, cold, but nice.

Eventually, Cole looked back, causing you to glance down as well. You both had already climbed so far. "So..explain to me how we're going to get home by climbing a mountain?"

He chuckled, continuing to climb forward. "Apparently there's a tree up here called the 'Traveller's Tree' and by the sound of it, it sounds like a way to get more Traveller's Tea." Cole paused his pace before sprinting up the next large ledge. He dove down, grabbing at something.

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