Dragon Chase -53-

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"This is a Milton Dyer classic, Krag, so pay attention." Jay had brought it upon himself to teach Krag how to play on the arcade machine. "We're talking Golden Age here. It's called Lava Zombies, and you need major skills to best this game. Which I -heh- luckily have."

You were sat in a spare seat, leaning against the wall, trying to sleep, as Cole did the same in the couch across from you. The last time you actually got a good night's rest was before you had convinced the Ninja to go in a quest. What a stupid mistake.

Krag and Jay started fighting over who got to play the machine. You rolled your eyes, glancing to the floor. Fidgeting with the cloth around your wrist, you sighed. Hopefully Lloyd hadn't gotten into trouble. How long until you would be there again?

Cole laughed at the two bickering, "I don't think he understands what turns are Jay."

The freckled boy scrunched his nose, looking to Cole. "Well tell him it's my turn!"

"I don't speak Krag, and can I point out, you're trying to reason with an 8-foot-tall creature who could easily pancake you with his foot?" He smiled, causing Jay to turn pale.

Krag growled at Jay, almost as if to demand to play the game.

Jay nodded, backing up. "Good point. Your turn, Krag."

The yeti grabbed Jay before chucking him to the other side of the vehicle, then turned to play on the arcade cabinet.

A beeping noise sounded from the cockpit, causing you to walk in out of curiosity.

"-What is it?" Kai asked, pointing to a spot on the radar.

Nya furred her brow, glancing over at it. "Says a structure is up ahead.."

You walked up, leaning on the back of Nya's seat. "Would it happen to be that giant palace ahead of us?"

She nodded, slightly accelerating. "That's an Ice Emperor's castle alright."

"Kind of spooky.." Kai murmured, pressing a few buttons on the console. "Guys! Buckle up, we're close." He yelled back to the rest of the team. A team that would hopefully be whole again soon.

Sitting down behind Nya, you pulled the buckle over your waist before clicking it into place. You'd rather not get injured again while you were still in the Never-Realm.

The engine revved before speeding even faster. The radar suddenly started beeping again, something was approaching the LB, and fast.

"What is it?"

Nya scoffed, "Well I'll bet it's not s welcoming committee.

Kai nodded, getting out of his seat. "I'm on it."

A few seconds later, a dragon roared overhead. The ice dragon was back.

The LB shook, an explosion going off in the sky. The dragon swooped back down, making an ice path directly towards the Land-Bounty.

Nya swerved, as the LB shook once more. This time, cracks sounded as the window, and console of the vehicle started freezing over "Do something, Kai!"

Kai shot more overhead, and even though it hit the dragon, it had no effect on it.

Something was torn off as the screen started flashing. "Did you get him?" You yelled over the speakers. What had happened?

"Uhh..not exactly.." He yelled back, running inside.

The dragon started tearing apart bits and pieces of the LB. It ripped the upper room off, before launching it back at you.

Nya sped forwards, almost tipping the vehicle over to dodge the ice. Reaching a dead end, Nya tipped the bounty on its sides, to make a sharp corner and turn around.

She accelerated even more going up a snow slope.

"What are you doing?!" Jay asked, barely staying in his seat.

She shook her head with a sarcastic chuckle, "I don't know!"

The Land-Bounty zoomed up a ice spike shaped like a ramp. The dragon's mouth started to glow, yet the Bounty ran into it before it could shoot.

The vehicle rolled down the hill, causing the boys to all start flying through the bounty. Sucks to suck for not wearing seatbelts.

The bounty eventually came to a stop at the edge of the lake, pinning the dragon down.

Everyone started checking if anyone was okay, as you glanced out the windshield.

The dragon sat with its eyelids shut, hopefully you hadn't killed it.

Something big was happening in the palace. Everything happening was too overwhelming to make out.

Cole laughed. "I hope pixal wasn't expecting us to bring the Bounty back in one piece or anything..."


Whoops short chapters (i like the ice chapter but I hate writing it hhhh)


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