And now the world receives from her dower -6-

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Well, floating in space wasn't what you had thought about as soon as you met the Ninja, but you had to admit it was pretty cool. 

You had quickly figured out that it was no use trying to stay on the ground and you floated around aimlessly. Lloyd seemed to be doing the same when he bumped into you.

"Sorry," he said with a small laugh.

 It made you smile, "it's alright, have you ever imagined you would go to space?"

Lloyd smiled back, shaking his head, "you know, all this ancient magic never really gets you to thinking about newer stuff like space travel."

He hit his head on the floor, or maybe the ceiling. It was a round room which didn't help much.

You grabbed his arm to help steady him but you ended up just dragging yourself along. You laughed together as you floated around and then Lloyd suddenly stopped.

Opening your eyes, you looked at Lloyd to where he was gazing. Your wrist. 

"What happened?" He said furring his brow. 

You explained the situation with your wrist and he wrapped his arms around you tight. Then he pulled away and started tugging at his own wrist before biting on his sleeve. He tore off a piece of it before rolling your sleeve down and tying it on. 

You pursed your lips before thanking him. 

Looking over you could see the other Ninja bickering over the fact you were in fucking space. You didn't pay much attention until Lloyd joined in.

"Fritz is from a comic book, dude. This is real."

He banged into the side of the ship again.

Jay turned around, "well, you got me hooked on the character. Would you lighten up and not step on my dreams of being a real Starfarer just yet?

Waving his arms around, you watched Lloyd try to find his balance, "We have to find a way to take control of the ship. If they get the Golden Weapons back to the Overlord, Ninjago doesn't stand much of a chance."

Kai bumped into Lloyd causing him to fly across the ship while yelling. You tried to swim after him but it was listen use with no gravity.

The red Ninja held onto a crevice in the wall at the end of the rocket, "But there's no access to the rest of the ship. The only way out is through the same airlock we came in."

Zane bounced off a wall before starting to speak, "If my memory bank served correct, space had s way of taking one's breath away, in the negative sense."

You frowned, fidgeting with the end of the green cloth around your wrist. 

"Come on, can't I just enjoy this?" He poured to everyone.

Zane looked over to the computer before floating over, "Enjoy it while you can Jay, because in 5 minutes, the entire ship is scheduled to lighten up. The supplemental boosters are set to detach"

Lloyd banged against the wall again. He flew towards you and you tried to catch him to help but he smacked you into the wall instead. "Ouch- sorry Y/n." You sighed smiling before letting go and gently pushing him across the room.

"Uh, I'm a Ninja, not an astronaut. What does that mean?" Kai furred his brows, you were honestly confused as well.

Zane didn't look up from the keyboard as he spoke, "The portion of the ship we are currently stationed will soon detach and we will be abandoned in space along with it.


Unexpectedly, the screen flickered as 4 familiar faces appeared, Master Wu, Garmadon, Nya, and Pixal.  "Hello? Kai? Anyone?"

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