Trauma, Failures, and Everything going wrong -87-

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"I understood then, for the first time I think, that Kalmaar would never love me. My father was the only one who gave a spawn about me. And- and now he's gone. And I am alone."

You held your frown, staring at the grainy floor of the submarine. Bentho's story hurt. But it did let you realize everyone in Ninjago (the realm, not the island of Ninjago, the region, or the city. The entire realm.) just had a fucked up origin story.

Nya shook her head, placing a hand on Bentho's shoulder. "We may not be family. But I promise you, you're not alone."

Lloyd stood from his seat, a smile on his face, reassuring Bentho. "We can't pick our parental family, but you can always pick your chosen one, one made of those you love. Your friends. And I'm proud to call you a friend." WHY WAS HE SO FUCKING GOOD AT PEP TALKS.

You sighed, spinning your chair from side to side. "Now. Let's get to that island and make sure we can actually get that amulet, before Kalmaar does."

With a brisk nod, Pixal pushed the steering forward, as the Bounty rose.


Yawning, you turned your face to look at Bentho and Jay's conversation. Missions always make you exhausted, but then you get too restless not having one. What was up with that?

"-so lemme get this straight... Kalmaar needs two amulets to awaken this huge serpent, Wo-jira, and he's got one of them already?"

Frowning, the merperson nodded. "Correct. The Wave Amulet. The second is the Storm Amulet on this 'Island of Keepers'?"

Stretching his arms above his head, Lloyd also yawned. "Yep. Which means we better get there first, to make sure he never gets his hands on it."

"Otherwise," Maya began, "he'll awaken Wo-jira and destroy the surface world."

Zane's eyebrows turned inward, "I fail to see how recovering both amulets will awaken the sea serpent. How are they linked?"

"It's really weird. But we saw it. Wo-jira is a huge snake, and she has these two holes in the top of her head. And the amulets fit inside. And they were zapping her with electricity. Which was making my powers act up." Nya explained, sliding out of the booth. Everyone had recently finished dinner, and since you rarely got to eat on a mission, you had been savoring it as long as possible.

The ship shook violently, causing everyone to look out the window, yet there was only blue. What happened? Did you get attacked by something? Was there something in the way? Did the engine break again?

Running to the bridge, your mind raced with questions, only to be met by Pixal sitting perfectly fine, listening to indie-rock music.

"Pix?!" Lloyd yelled over the music, "What was that!?"

She used a dial to turn her music, and glanced backwards. "We are entering the Electrical Storm, although we've had pretty bad storms going through the storm belt, this may be the worst, especially going underwater."

Pursing your lips, you nodded. Taking deep breaths, you turned around and took strides to the cabin. The pressure had built up in your ears, creating a soft ringing sound.


Turning the wheel, you pried the door open, stepping inside the sleeping quarters. Untying the lace of your shoe, you slipped them off, and threw them on the floor.

Prying the tucked in bedspread out, you slid under it, and pulled the blanket over your head. You took deep breaths, tears pricking your closed eyelids. You would be fine. Why were you so worked up over nothing?

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