Cold a brewing -47-

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"Like this?" You held up a misshapen flower crown up to the village children. You were going to help out the other Ninja, but you were happy enough with entertaining the kids.

Lloyd was inside Sorla's house, going over the region map with her.

The kids giggled taking the crown made of snowdrops out of your hands, before fixing it up.

You stood up to another patch of flowers as people started yelling. "You all stay here."

Running to the rest of the group, Lloyd was now back out, and there were people screaming about an "Alarm"

"Blizzard Samurai. On the March. Heading for our village. We saw them heading down the pass." A man screamed. You knew he had previously gone out fishing.

Sorla approached the group, looking scared. "Boma, Uthaug. Are you sure you saw this? You saw them?"

They nodded.

"Gather the elders. There's no time to lose." She then ran inside her house, everyone following behind.

Lloyd placed a hand on your shoulder, walking you inside.

"The pass is only a few hours away."

"We have to hide. We must abandon the village."

"Are you mad?"

"What choice do we have? I saw we hide in the village if the Formlings."

"I am not going there. No after what happened. That place is cursed."

The villagers started arguing. Couldn't they just come together on one idea? Sorla raised her hand, shushing the group. "We cannot abandon the fire. The fire is life. We must protect it."

Kai frowned, "I don't understand.. Can't you just light another?" The room went silent. "You know, with matches or something?"

The villagers started muttering. They sounded upset.

Sorla shook her head. "They are new to our realm. They do not know." She glanced over to the team. "The winters have grown too cold. It is impossible to light a new fire. We have kept this fire going by adding wood every morning and every night. It has burned for decades."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Kai mumbled, approaching the flames. It must feel terrible to have a part of you stripped away like that.

She sighed, starting up, "The fire is life. If the fire will we."

Lloyd pursed his lips, hitting his fist into his open palm. "What if we moved it somehow? Maybe we could transport it with torches?"

"The risk is too great. The hearth fire is the heart of our people. It keeps the darkness at bay and gives us hope. If the fire goes out, our hope is lost." She paused, glancing around at the solemn faces. "No. We must stay and protect it. We must fight."

Lloyd stood up. "Then we will fight with you."

The villagers cheered, bowing to the team.

"Go! And prepare!"

You walked outside, itching at the bandages. "Why must everywhere we go have some sort of revolution we cause?"

Lloyd fell in step beside you, his eyebrow raised, "What do you mean? Do we really start that many revolutions?"

Shrugging you glanced across the frozen lake. "I mean, you indirectly caused a Serpentine revolution, the Tournament of Elements we all had the fighters riot on Chen, and in the first realm we caused the Dragon Hunter's to form a I'd say that's a lot."

"Huh. Our team has caused a lot of revolutions I guess." He glanced around at the people starting to build fortifications. "Guess we'd better help."


And help you did.

After building countless spikes and carrying so many blocks of ice, everyone managed to make a pretty good wall defense in the short time before dark.

You leaned against the wall, half asleep when the arrows came.

They first came in waves, then the Samurai came.

They marched over the lake covered in armor made of ice.

"They're here. This is it!" Lloyd called to the village. Did you guys even stand a chance against this army?

One of then yelled, before they all started running at the defenses.

By everyone's yelling, you gathered that some were just literally made of us, and others were frozen people.

You drew your sword, as one climbed up the tower. You stabbed your sword into the warrior, as it crumbled into chunks of ice. "It's all ice.."

Then the warriors placed a ladder against at tower, climbing up. Lloyd tugged you to the floor, before using Spinjitzu to shatter the warriors.

Lloyd and Cole jumped down to attack the people who had slipped into the village. You jumped down after them, but instead of landing on your feet, you heard a pop by your dislocated rib.

You groaned, limping into the bottom half of a tower.

"You okay Y/n?!" Nya called out to you from above.

You sighed, leaning against the icy wall. "Yup, I'll be just fine in a second.." You knew there wasn't much truth to that. Staring across the battlefield, Lloyd was covering Kai from getting attacked, as Cole and Jay shattered groups of warriors.

Didn't having elemental powers mean you didn't get hurt as much sand heal faster? Where were those right now? You hated standing on the side of the fight.

Then a general, hopped onto the roof of Sorla's house, breaking through it. He was going for the fire.

Everyone rushed in, before it was too late.

You limped over to the hut, standing in the door. The general swung down with his axe. Putting out the fire. "You have won the battle, but without your fire, you have lost the war."

The general then hopped back out, calling on the last of the army to fall back.

The fire was gone.

You sat down around ash pit, wrapping a blanket around yourself. Lloyd knelt down beside you, sighing. You offered part of the blanket to him, which he grabbed, wrapping around the both of you. Shivering, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, zoning out.

"I'm sorry." You looked up to see Kai facing the ground.

Sorla frowned, sitting down next to him. "It is not your fault Kai."

Kai sighed, his brow furring. "I just- I just wish there was something I could do."

A soft smile grew on her face, "You have done all you can. Have you not?"

Kai suddenly stood up, dropping his blanket to the floor. He started straining, his outstretched palms facing the fire.

The room was silent, watching him.

He shut his eyes tight, trying over, and over again.

A orange glow flickered.

Then the embers shook.

Small flames danced in the pit, twirling and growing.

Kai yelled, a ball of fire forming in his palm.

You shut your eyes, drawing oxygen from outside into the fire, causing it to rise.

Falling to his knees, Kai panted. "I- I did it.."

The villagers started chanting 'Fire-Maker' to Kai.

He did it. His powers were back.



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