seungkwan - prank

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word count : 692

"did you lose your sanity? you're literally insane y/n."

"oh be quiet seungkwan. if you don't want to be here, then leave. you don't even live here," you said to him while pouring water into some cups that were on the floor.

"you literally told me to stand watch for you," seungkwan said to you.

you looked over your shoulder, "you could've just not listened to me. you don't most of the time," you said to him before turning back and moving cups close together on the floor.

you were trying to prank your brother, who had put flour in the fan in your room a few days prior. to get him back, you planned to cover his entire floor in cups with water in them. seungkwan was only there to listen and see your brother's reaction when he comes home from his job.

you heard seungkwan sigh, "you're ridiculous."

"thank you!" you exclaimed.

you continued pouring water into cups and moving them around your brother's room. you had a smirk on your face almost the entire time because you couldn't wait for your brother to come home.


you looked to your side and noticed that seungkwan was handing you another set of cups since you were getting low.

"oh, thank you," you said to him. you took the cups from him and ripped the plastic bag around them open.

"do you want me to help?" he asked you.

"are you sure?" you asked him, "you don't have to help me."

"i'll just refill the water for you," he said to you. he grabbed the water pitcher you had been using and left your brother's room to go to the bathroom.

you adjusted some cups as you waited for seungkwan to come back. once he did, you resumed filling cups up with water with seungkwan watching over you.

"what even sparked this idea?" seungkwan asked out of curiosity.

"hoshi didn't tell you about our prank war?" you replied with a question.

"no, he didn't," seungkwan replied to you. "who started it? you or him?"

"i did. jeonghan was the one who gave me the idea cause hoshi had been messing with my stuff," you replied as you poured water into a cup.

"good lord..."

after what felt like eternity, you were finally done. you took a picture of your brother's room before quietly exiting.

"want to eat something?" you asked seungkwan as you two walked downstairs.

"sure," he replied, still carrying the water pitcher.

you started cooking while seungkwan lingered in the kitchen. once you were done cooking, you put food onto the table.

"thanks for cooking," seungkwan said as he sat down.

"no problem," you replied while cleaning a counter.

then, you heard the front door unlock and open.

"i'm home," you heard your brother announce.

"hi, loser."

"really, y/n?" hoshi said with a sigh. he closed the door and locked it before coming into the kitchen. "oh, seungkwan, you're here?"

"y/n needed me to do something," seungkwan lied to your brother as the latter sat down at the table. "was the store busy today?" he asked.

"for a week day, yea it was," hoshi replied and started eating. "thanks for cooking, y/n."

you hummed in response and finally sat down at the table. you started eating with them while hoshi recalled his day.

after everyone was done eating, seungkwan and hoshi washed the dishes for you. you went into the living room and turned a tv show on before speaking to your brother. "oh, hoshi. you had a package in the mail. i put it in your room," you lied in order to lure him to his room.

"a package? i didn't order anything..." hoshi said and dried his hands with paper towels. "i'll be right back."

you watched your brother leave the kitchen and head upstairs while seungkwan looked back at you with a smirk.

"yah! Y/N, WHAT DID— oh come on!"

"and i declare y/n as the victor," seungkwan announced while continuing to clean the dishes. you joined him, replacing your brother since he was going to be busy for awhile.

seventeen imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora