woozi - one morning

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word count : 510


"when did you get here?" you heard woozi ask you.

you felt him brush his hand through your hair, but you rolled to your side and pulled the comforter over your shoulders.

"hey, how long have you been here?" he asked again.

"my flight came in at five this morning," you muttered to woozi. "wake me up later, jihoon. too tired," you mumbled and turned to sleep on your other side, facing towards him this time.

woozi chuckled and got out of bed. he got ready to go to the gym but decided to make breakfast for you before he left.

once he finished cooking, he went back into your shared bedroom and found you in a different position on the bed. this time, you were all sprawled out on the bed with your head no longer on a pillow. he smiled while walking around to your side and sitting on the bed next to you.

"y/n, time to get up," woozi said to you. "i know me and you usually sleep in until noon but maybe change it for once," he said while tapping your arm.

"don't wanna..." you mumbled to him in response. "come back to bed and cuddle with me," you requested from him, finally waking up a bit even though you just wanted to sleep for the whole day.

"i'm going to the gym. i'll be back later," woozi said to you. "i made you something to eat. eat before it gets too cold," he mentioned.

you opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend wearing athletic wear, which made you sigh.

"all i wanted to do is cuddle with my boyfriend, who i haven't seen in a week, and he decides to go to the gym? how rude," you said as woozi pulled you up. "morning," you greeted and kissed his cheek.

"good morning, sweetie," he smiled at you. "come on, go eat and then you can go back to sleep," he said to you, "or you could wait until i come back and we can take a nap or cuddle together."

you yawned, "i like the sound of that," you said while stretching your arms. "okay, i'll get up," you said pushed the comforter off. "you can go now," you said to woozi.

"let me make sure you go to the kitchen so i know you're not gonna just fall back asleep," he said to you.

you rolled your eyes and got out of bed, "i'm up. see? i'm standing."

he chuckled and stood up, "yes, i can see that," he said as both of you walked out of the room. both of you went into the kitchen. you sat down at the table while woozi made a protein shake for himself. "okay, i'm leaving, sweetie," he announced. he stood behind you but leaned in to kiss your cheek. "i'll text you when i'm on my way back," he said to you.

"i'll probably be asleep again," you said to him, which made both of you laugh. "have a good workout."

"thanks," he smiled.

seventeen imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon