woozi - convenience store

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word count : 571


"you sound like you're asleep, jihoon," you commented as you walked down the street. you had headphones over your ears and your phone in your pocket.

"cause i am. what do you want, sweetie?" he asked, clearly a bit annoyed that he woke up to answer your phone call.

"oh, well, i'm heading to the convenience store to grab something to eat, but i guess i'll just see you in the morning instead," you said to him. "sorry," you mumbled, hoping he wasn't too mad at you.

"which one?"


"which store, idiot?" he asked, "the one where i found you crying over that guy in high school or the one where i found you with a sling after falling?"

"...i don't like you."

"how else am i supposed to differentiate these stores? you go to different ones every two seconds," woozi said and you heard rustling from his end. "whatever, i'm going back to sleep."


"if i'm a loser, than you're an idiot."

"bye," you hung up on him and headed inside the convenience store. you started grabbing what you wanted to eat and paid for the items. you heated up everything and added water to the bowl of ramen you bought.

once everything was ready to eat, you sat at a countertop and started eating. music played from your headphones which changed as you pulled up a video to watch from youtube.


in the middle of eating, you felt someone take your headphones off, letting the device rest around your neck. you turned your head and saw your boyfriend, clearly half asleep but didn't seem too annoyed.

"oh, hello."

"give me a bite," he said in almost a demanding tone. you moved the bowl in front of him, and he picked up your chopsticks and ate a bite of your ramen that was still in the bowl.

you noticed woozi was wearing one of his sleeping shirts with a hoodie thrown over.

he really came here in his pajamas.

you smiled at the thought. "should i buy another bowl?" you asked him as he finished the bowl.

"i'll buy another," he said and grabbed your drink to take a sip of it. "what kind do you want? same one?" he asked as he grabbed all of the trash that was on the countertop in front of both of you.

"sesame," you answered and he nodded. he quickly kissed the side of your head before walking away.


once woozi returned with another bowl of ramen plus some other food, he sat down on the stool next to you.

"i'm surprised that you actually came here," you said to him while waiting for the ramen to be finished cooking.

"cause knowing you, you'll stay here till the crack of dawn for no reason," he replied to you and yawned, "and i don't like it when you stay out alone, especially at this hour," he mentioned.

"i have my pepper spray and my knife, babe," you said while picking up your car keys that had the two weapons attacked to the key chain.

"still, you never know," he replied. "do you have work tomorrow?" he asked.

you shook your head and grabbed the 
bowl of ramen, removing the lid. "day off," you verbally answered and set the lid aside, "why?"

"you're coming home with me, and we're sleeping in tomorrow morning, that's why," he said before taking a sip of water.

seventeen imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora