woozi - ice pack

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word count : 610


leaning against the mirror in the practice room, you held an ice pack to your knee. you leaned your head back and sighed.

then, your phone started ringing, which made you look over at your phone. you saw that you were receiving a video call from your boyfriend.

you picked up with phone and answered the call. woozi appeared on your screen, and it looked like he was outside somewhere, walking in the dark while wearing a mask.

"hey, where are you?" woozi immediately asked.

"practice room," you mentioned and flipped the camera, "icing my knee," you mentioned, showing your knee and the slightly melted ice pack.

"it's still bothering you?" he asked, knowing you had knee problems.

"mhm," you hummed in response.

"i'm on my way over. i already ordered dinner to show up there, so we can chill there," woozi mentioned. "did you finish making the choreography?" he asked.

"in my head, yes. i might try to work it out later, so i don't forget," you explained.

"i can help if you want," woozi offered, "but we should eat first."

"yea, we should," you said in agreement. "almost here?" you asked.

"i'm like ten minutes away," he answered. "oh, do you want anything to drink? i'm gonna go into a store real quick."

"an energy drink maybe?" you requested with a question.

"you sure about that?" he questioned. you could hear him quietly but quickly greet someone, meaning he went into a store. "kind of late for one."

"and has that ever stopped me before? no, it hasn't," you answered your own question while fixing the ice pack as it started to slide off. you could hear woozi sigh, "jihoon, please?"

"just don't drink all of it," he requested from you.



you continued talking to him as he made his way over to the building. he waited outside for awhile before coming in, opting to wait for your food to arrive.

eventually, he came to the practice room, and both of you ate dinner together.

"want me to go put this back in the freezer?" he asked, touching the fully melted ice pack.

"sure. can you throw this away?" you asked, holding the empty takeout container out to him.


woozi cleaned up for you two while you warmed up again, making sure to be careful. you turned the music on, playing the song you been creating choreography for.

"you sure you can dance? why don't you take a break? you never give yourself a break," woozi said as he walked back in from throwing everything away in the trash can in the hallway.

"we just had a dinner break. i'll be fine. you're the one learning it anyways," you said to him and gestured him to walk over to you.

he did so and you started teaching him the choreography you came up with.


"like this," you said and demonstrated the move, almost done teaching all of the choreography you came up with.

woozi perfectly copied you and you nodded in confirmation.

you shifted your weight onto your good leg, holding your other leg for a second.

"you okay?" woozi asked you.

"i told you, i'm fine, babe," you said to him and put your leg back down.

"we should go home, it's late," he suggested, "i'll walk you home."

"can't i just spend the night at yours?" you asked him, "it's closer."

he scoffed, "not really," he smiled and hugged you. "you just want to be with me, huh?" he asked.

you nodded while wrapping your arms around his waist. he kissed your forehead.

then, he chuckled, "i guess i can't say no to that."

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