s.coups - babysitting

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word count : 689


"noona! i can make a big cannonball! watch!" one of the kids you were babysitting exclaimed before jumping into the pool, making a small splash instead of a big one. the boy swam back up to the surface within seconds. "wasn't that cool?" he asked you, waiting for your approval.

"sure was," you replied to him with a smile.

you continued watching the three kids as they played in the pool with other people who were visiting the pool.

"hey guys, no running. you might slip," you heard someone say and saw one of the lifeguards walking around. he looked at you, "are they your siblings?" he asked you.

you shook your head, "no, i'm their babysitter," you mentioned to him.

"oh, well just make sure that they don't run around. they could slip on the water that splashed onto the concrete," he said to you and you nodded.

"yea, will do," you smiled at him.

the lifeguard smiled back at you with one of the cutest smiles you have ever seen on a guy. you watched him walk away before putting your attention back into the kids. you stood up and went over to the pool, sitting on the concrete and putting your feet in the water.

the kids played with toys that another family had let them play with. you watched them play with a few toys, swimming down a few times to pick up anything that had fallen.

you looked at the time on your watch and realized that you needed to take the kids home.

"hey guys, we need to go home," you said to the kids.

"but noona! we wanna stay here longer!" the boy said while his sister swam over to you.

"yea, can we stay longer please?" their neighbor, that you also babysit, pleaded.

"you guys need to go home. we can come again next week if it's still warm," you said to them.

the younger sister of the boy climbed out of the pool and sat next to you. the two other kids reluctantly returned the toys they were playing with to the family they borrowed them from while you and the sister dried off.

"unnie, is this paper yours?" the sister asked while holding the towel wrapped around her with one hand and holding a piece of paper in the other.

you held your hand out and she placed the paper in your hand. it was slightly wet since the girl's hand was still wet from the water but the text was legible. you looked and saw a phone number on it with a message: "text me -lifeguard."

you looked around the area to see if you could find the lifeguard from earlier, but he was no where to be seen.

"who's phone number is that?" the sister asked while slipping her flip flops on.

"mm...it's from one of the lifeguards," you mentioned.

"is unnie gonna get a boyfriend?" she asked and you smiled while putting the paper in your back pocket.

"maybe, maybe not," you said and laughed. "guys, come on!" you called out to the two other kids, who were at the edge of the pool.

"five more minutes!" the other girl demanded.

"both of your parents will be home soon. you guys need to get ready for dinner and for bed," you said to them as they finally got out of the pool.

you helped them dry off a little bit before you left the pool with all of the kids. you started walking along the sidewalk and took your phone out, putting in the phone number and texting the person.



unknown number

[ y/n ]
so which lifeguard is this?

[ unknown number ]
why don't you come
back and find out?

[ y/n ]
haha, wish i could but
it's time for the kids to
go home

[ unknown number ]
you should take them to
the pool again sometime

so i can see you

[ y/n ]
tempting offer

but i'm gonna need a name

[ unknown number ]
choi seungcheol

so what's yours?

[ y/n ]
maybe come find me and ask

[ unknown number ]
very tempting

maybe i will

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