s.coups - kitchen

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word count : 564


"babe, what do you want to eat?" you asked your boyfriend, who was watching a movie in the living room of your home.

"whatever you want to eat."

"that's the wrong answer," you immediately replied to his answer.


"choi seungcheol, i didn't buy groceries today just to eat ramen for dinner," you said to him, turning your head to look at him through the entranceway between the two rooms.

you could easily see him pouting, "don't call me buy my full name..." he muttered loud enough for you to hear. "i thought ramen would be good since it's quick and simple. you were out all day doing a bunch of stuff."

"i don't mind cooking. you know that," you said to him. "come here," you called him to join you in the kitchen.

you heard him shuffle around before he walked into the kitchen. you looked over your shoulder and saw seungcheol open the fridge.

"oh wow, you bought a lot," he said to you and started taking food out of the fridge.

"exactly. so what do you want to eat, seungcheol?" you asked him.

he shrugged, "we could just make something. doesn't have to be an exact dish," he said to you and handed you some food. "do you need help?"

"you can keep watching the movie," you replied, "just rest."

"but my hardworking girlfriend would be cooking all by herself. i can't do that to her," s.coups said to you before wrapping his arm around you. "ready to cook?"

you smiled, "mhm."


the two of you cooked together, despite not having a specific dish in mind. the movie that was playing in the living room kept playing, but you had turned on music to listen to while cooking.

"should i open a bottle of wine?" s.coups asked when you were almost done cooking.

"do we have any beer? i rather drink that," you said to him and reached up to open a nearby cabinet.

"yea, we do."

you grabbed a few plates and set them down on the counter while s.coups put cans of beer and water on the table. you started putting all of the food onto the plates while s.coups moved each plate to the table.

"this is enough food, right?" you asked him as you made sure the stove was off.

"i think it is. if anything, we can make ramen," s.coups replied.

"you really were craving ramen today, weren't you?" you asked him while untying your apron and taking it off.

"yea, i was. i was thinking about those stores you can go in and make your own ramen," he admitted while sitting down at the table.

"well, i guess we can go later if you really are still hungry. that way i wouldn't have to cook an actual meal so late," you said as a sort of compromise to him. you noticed s.coups smile at you. "hey, you better finish all of this up. i bought groceries with my money and put my time and effort towards this," you added.

"yes, yes, i will. i'll enjoy the meal my girlfriend cooked and enjoy our midnight ramen meal," he replied, making you roll your eyes at him. he grabbed the cans of beer and pulled the tabs on them. "here."

you took a can, "cheers," you said to him.

both of you hit the cans together, "cheers."

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