seungkwan - orchard

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word count : 548


"have a nice day," you smiled while a customer took their box of apples off of the counter and processed to walk away after replying to you.

"y/n, sorry i'm late."

one of your co-workers, joshua, came up to you, panting from running.

you smiled, "it's okay. were you picking apples?" you asked joshua.

"yea! today's haul was good. gonna make a pie tomorrow," he mentioned and put an apron on, tying the strings around him into the classic bunny ear style.

"nice!" you smiled and untied your apron, "text me when myunho and dokyeom get here, i need them to help me with inventory for the juice stand."

he nodded, "got it, see ya later."

you walked out from behind the counter. then, you walked outside of the small building you were in and walked towards the orchard. workers and some customers were out and about, looking at the fruit growing.

you headed towards another section of the orchard, looking for the newer section of apples to checkup on them (and to hopefully steal an apple to snack on).

"excuse me!"

you turned around and saw a guy standing on a ladder. he looked down at you from the section next to the one you were in and climbed down.

"yes?" you spoke up.

"this section isn't open to visitors yet," he mentioned.

"oh, i work here, too," you immediately informed him, turning around to show the logo of the orchard on the back of your hoodie.

he became surprised, "oh! i'm sorry, i didn't notice," he quickly apologized to you, but you shook your head.

"no worries," you said to him, "just came to check up on this section. have you been by yet?" you asked him.

"no, that's not my section for today," he mentioned, "but these ones over here are really sweet," he added on, pointing to the tree with the ladder beneath it, "ate one earlier."

you started walking with him to the ladder that was a few meters away. there was a basket at the base of the ladder.

"here," the guy said and picked an apple for you. he handed it to you.

"thanks," you replied. "what's your name?"

"seungkwan. you?"

"y/n, nice to meet you," you introduced yourself. you took a bite of the apple. "work often?" you asked.

"just the weekends, only time i'm free," he replied and climbed up the ladder. "here, take this one," he said as he picked an apple. you held out to your hands even though you were holding the partially eaten apple, and he dropped the apple into your hands. "usually work out here?" he asked.

"nah, inside," you responded and took another bite, "i usually only come out here to take some apples," you laughed.

seungkwan smiled, "you're not the only one. i take some too," he admitted.

you felt your phone buzz and took it out of your pocket. you saw a text message from dokyeom, saying that he lost his key to a back room next to the juice stand.

you sighed, "gotta go. see you around?" you asked seungkwan once you replied to your coworker.

"yea, see ya," he replied while picking another apple. both of you smiled at each other before you started walking away.

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