wonwoo - undercover

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word count : 660


"god, i hate saturday nights," you mumbled while putting a drink onto the counter. you continued making drinks for customers as the night continued on.

"hey y/n!" a customer called for you, "there's my favorite girl!" he spoke, "get me my favorite, won't you?" he requested.

"no problem," you replied and reached underneath the bar top. you opened one of the fridges and grabbed a popular bottle of beer. you closed the fridge with your knee and popped the cap of the bottle with a bottle opener before putting the drink down. "here you go, mingyu," you said and placed the drink down on the countertop.

"thanks," he smiled and leaned in, "we got someone else inside. be careful tonight," he informed you.

aka, something's going down tonight.

you smiled at him, "thanks. i'll go start a tab for you," you said to him before turning to one of the cash registers.


the night continued going on in the bar that you were working at. it was a steady pace for most of night but had small bursts of traffic as more people came in.

"y/n, can you grab more of this from the back?" one of your coworkers asked, holding up a bottle of a popular liquor.

"got it," you replied and walked into the back room. you started looking through the stacks of boxes for the liquor in need.

however, before you could open a box, you heard people start yelling and screaming. you went to your locker and grabbed your gun before hurrying back to the bar. you held the gun up and immediately pointed it at one of your coworkers, who was holding a gun at your friend.

"put it down, wonwoo," you spoke.

"so it's you two, huh?" wonwoo questioned.

various events were happening in the area, the bar just happened to be at a standstill between a group of people and the customers hiding in fear.

"both of you, you're under arrest. i suggest you put the guns down before i order my guys to shoot," wonwoo suggested to you and mingyu.

you glanced over at your actual coworker, who kept the same composure despite having three guns pointed at him. he held a gun in his hand as well.

"and i suggest you put down the gun before we shoot you," mingyu spoke.

then, you noticed one of the guys pointing a gun at mingyu and saw something shine from the light reflecting on the object.


"what agency?" you asked.

"excuse me?" wonwoo asked you, looking back at you.

"i can see the badge," you mentioned, gesturing towards the guy whose badge was barely exposed from a pocket in his jacket. "the hell you workin' for?" you asked.

after a scene of silence, wonwoo sighed and lowered his gun, "ministry of national defense," he answered.

you lowered your gun, "mingyu, get the others to close up shop," you instructed.


eventually, your team and the team from national defense were in a room at your agenecy's headquarters. one of your team leaders debriefed everyone once proper channels went through for a joint mission to occur between the two agencies.

"how come we weren't informed of this?" you asked while listening to the other agency's debrief.

"guess we're both lacking in the communication department," wonwoo quietly spoke up from next to you. the two of you were leaning against a wall towards the back of the room. he held a tablet in his hand while you held a paper copy of the same file. "do you forgive me yet?" he asked, knowing that you were clearly upset from him deceiving you for the past few weeks.

"not yet," you answered him, "you owe me a drink."

"i think i can make something you like," he said. you glanced over at him and saw the small grin on his face.

"i hope so, i'm the one that taught you how to make everything."

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