jun - race

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word count : 1,053


"oh look! it's mingyu!" you heard someone yell, grabbing your attention. you looked over and saw a car drive into the parking lot of the old strip mall that you were in.

"is he still dating that girl on the swim team?" one of your friends asked as she poured herself another drink.

you looked over at her, listening to your friends as they talked. "heard they broke up," another friend answered.

"hey, seungkwan, you're on the swim team. hear anything?" one of your friends asked.

seungkwan raised an eyebrow, "i don't go to their school, how am i supposed to know?" he asked.

"wait. really? i thought you did."

he shook his head, "nope. i'm just friends with everyone around here."

more cars started pulling into the lot you were in, and as more cars came, more people came out of the cars. the party started getting more rowdy as more and more people showed up.

"who's racing tonight?" you asked.

"aren't you?" seungkwan asked, turning his head to look at you.

you shook your head, "my car's in my dad's shop. he said i'll have it back by friday," you mentioned.

"oh, well, i know seungcheol and mingyu are. maybe jun and hoshi too. there's a lot of people here tonight, so probably more people are gonna race," he answered your original question.

"y/n! y/n! come over here!" someone called out for you. you looked around and saw some people waving and gesturing you over to where the races would've start.

"me?" you spoke, pointing to yourself.

some of them nodded while others kept gesturing you to go over, "get over here!"

you put your drink down and headed onto the road. as you stood on the middle of the road, people started cheering for you. you watched as two cars pulled up to where you were.

you recognized both of the cars; one belonging to joshua and the other belonging to jun, both students from a nearby international school. you made sure both of the cars are lined up, and the crowd started cheering even more for the two racers. music blared from someone's car in the lot, and people started to crowd along the side of the road.

you walked to be next to their front windows and gestured them to roll down their windows. jun rolled his down first before joshua.

"both of you good to go?" you asked both of them.

"yea, i'm good," joshua answered. jun nodded his head.

"alright, let's get this started," you smiled and walked back while they rolled their windows up.

you walked back and everyone did a countdown to start the race. you had your hands up and threw them down when the countdown ended. the two cars sped off and you waited for some debris to settle before walking back to your friends.

"they're going on the usual route, right?" one of your friends asked while opening another drink.

"should be, which means they'll be back in like twelve minutes," another guy answered.

"did you time them last time or something, woozi?" dk spoke up, sitting on top of the trunk of someone's car.

"how do you think my predictions are almost always right?" the latter replied.

"oh, that's smart," another guy spoke up. "no wonder you've made so much money!"

"what can i say?"

you sat with some of your friends while waiting for the race to be over. while partying a bit, you danced around with your friends while the rest stood nearby.

all of a sudden, you heard people start cheering.

"where's my money, seokmin? you owe me fifty," woozi spoke up, holding his hand out to dk.



"hey, joshua! good one."

"yea, you too, man."

you looked over and saw the two racers shaking hands next to their parked cars.

wen junhui.

you stared at him while taking a sip of your drink, but realized you tilted your cup a little too much and some of your drink spilt out of the cup and down your face instead.

"fuck," you cursed and wiped your drink with your hand. "hey, is there more soda?" you asked, throwing the plastic cup in a big trash bag that was almost full.

"you don't want a drink?" one of your friends asked as seungkwan opened a cooler.

"i'm not getting drunk here. there's too many people who could blackmail me," you said and grabbed a can of soda.

"hey, jun!" you looked over and saw jun walking over to dk.

"didn't know you came out tonight," jun said to dk and grabbed a water bottle from the open cooler.

"they wanted to come tonight," dk replied, pointing out you and your friends.


you ultimately decided to linger by yourself, wanting to take a break from the party. you stood away from where most of the cars were parked, drinking the rest of the soda.

"whatcha doing all by yourself?"

you turned around and found jun standing behind you. he had his hands in jacket pockets.

"you following me or something?" you questioned him.

"i wouldn't do that, especially to the girl who likes me."

you almost dropped the soda can in response, leaving jun chuckling at you.

"wouldn't mind you being my passenger princess," he says, turning away while running his hand through his hair.

you almost cringed, "okay, you're losing brownie points, pretty boy. don't ruin it," you said to him, before drinking the rest of the soda. you crushed the can and continued to hold it in your hand.

"oh come on, you would still like me even if i said worst things," jun said to you, turning back around to face you. "what are you doing after school on friday?" he asked.

"hm? there's races going on, you of all people should know that," you said to him, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"but before then, stupid," he clarified with a huff.

"getting my car back from my dad. it's at his shop," you replied.

jun smiled, "wanna hang for a bit after you get your car back? we can meet somewhere," he asked.

you smiled at him, "sure," you replied, "as long as i get to beat you in a race friday night."

jun walked closer to you with a smirk. "it's on."

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