seungkwan - tutor

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word count : 346


seungkwan heavily sighed and shook his head at you, "it's only been a few days and you forgot everything? you need to practice these or else you're not going to get them down," he said to you and picked up your eraser.

"i understood it last time, but it really doesn't make sense to me now," you replied as he erased your incorrect answers. "at least i can read music."

"we've been taught how to read music since we were little. how have you been getting decent grades this semester?" he asked and finished erasing, brushing off the scraps of your eraser from the paper.

"uh, luck?"

he sighed again, "do it again," he said and handed you your pencil.

another hour of seungkwan tutoring you in music theory occurred with barely any improvement happening from your end.

"augmented fourth?" you answered in question form, unsure of what you were looking at.

"thank god, you finally figured out one."

you pouted at seungkwan for a second for his comment. "so can we go get coffee now?" you asked him.

"we haven't even finished the worksheet!" he exclaimed.

"but i want to get coffee and some cake," you whined at him.

"can we at least finish this worksheet?" he asked.

"two more problems."

"the whole thing."

"four more problems."

"the rest of the worksheet."


"y/n, there are only ten more problems."

the two of you sat at a table in your local coffee shop. you were happily eating a piece of chocolate cake while seungkwan sat across from you with your homework in his hands.

"you could've at least finished this," seungkwan said while finishing your homework for you.

"you love me," you replied.

"i do love you, but you still could've finished this," he said. you cut a piece of cake and held it to seungkwan, who ate the piece. "feeding me cake is not a bribe," he said to you once he swallowed the piece.

you reached over and kissed his cheek, "yes it is."

a sigh left his lips, "yes it is."

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