dk - picnic

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word count : 603


did i fall asleep?

you slowly opened your eyes and found something in your face. you took the item off and discovered it to be a bucket hat.

"good morning, sleeping beauty."

you looked over and saw your boyfriend smiling. he held an open bottle of water in his hand.

you sat up and rubbed your eyes, "when did you get here?" you asked.

"thirty minutes ago?" he questioned.

he's been here for thirty minutes?! y/n, how long have you been asleep? how did fall asleep for that long?

"sweetie?" dokyeom spoke and you looked at him. he smiled and put the bucket hat, which you realized was his, on top of your head. "you look cute in it."

"you should've woken me up," you said to him with a pout.

"but you're too adorable, i can't help it," he said with a chuckle. "want to eat? i saw what you packed in here. i was waiting for you to wake up," he asked, patting the tote bag next to the two of you.

you nodded and both of you started unpacking everything you had brought.

"wow, you made so much," dokyeom commented.

"did i make too much? i'll make less next time," you said to him.

"it's fine," he replied. "did you sleep late last night? is that why you were napping when i found you?" he asked.

"huh? oh, i'm not—" you suddenly yawned out of no where, "i'm not that tired."

"are you sure?" dokyeom asked and laughed. "let's eat," he said and you nodded.

you two started eating together while dokyeom talked about his morning, which was full of recordings.

"oh, and of course, hoshi was acting crazy," he exaggerated. "i was doing my little dancing and being cute, but everyone was making fun of me," he pouted.

"i think you're always cute," you said as you closed an empty container. you put the container into the tote bag.

then, he hugged you, "at least someone thinks i'm cute," he mumbled and you laughed. you kissed his cheek before dokyeom let go of you.

"do you want more food?" you asked him.

he nodded and you fed him some fruit that you had cut up and packed in a container.

"i have an idea," he suddenly spoke.


dokyeom gestured you to give him the container you were holding and you did so. then, he patted his lap, "lay down. i can feed you!" he smiled.

you removed his bucket hat from the top of your head before laying down with your head in his lap. "shouldn't it be the other way around?" you asked him.

he shrugged and grabbed his bucket bags, putting it on his head. "it can be either way. besides, you're tired, so you can rest comfortably," he smiled at you and fed you a piece of watermelon. "do you want to spend the night at the dorm?" he asked.

"i have to wake up early," you replied with a frown.

"it's fine. i have to wake up early too. the office is closer from the dorm, so you should spend the night. it'll make it easier for you in the morning," he said, trying to persuade you, "we can have dinner together and watch a movie. we can have our late night talks and cuddle. we can—"

"okay, okay, i'll spend the night," you said to him. "you're really needy for me, huh?" you asked him.

"well yea, you're my girlfriend. i'm always gonna want you," he said before leaning in and kissing your forehead. "love you, sweetie."

"i love you more, honey."

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